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About Me

The way to happiness: Keep your heart free from hate, your mind from worry. Live simply, expect little, give much. Fill your life with love. Scatter Sunshie! Think of others, but love yourself first!!! Do as you would be done by. LIVE LOVE LAUGH!!! In words of Dave Matthews: Eat, drink and be Merry!!!
You Are a Liberal for Life
You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.
For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.
You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.
Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too. What's Your Political Persuasion? You are 100% Pittsburgh.

Great job! There's nooooo doubt about it. You're from Da Burgh. You deserve a reward, so go have an Ahrn City or two. And GO STILLERS!
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Ahh, You'll love this one! (100 ?'s)
::Full Name::: Casey ODonnell
::Nicknames::: Gus, Bitch, Case, Princess Polamalu LOL
::Age::: 27
::Gender::: Female
::Where You Live::: Pittsburgh
::Sexual Orientation::: Straight
::Single/Happy with it::: Happy
::Siblings::: 2 older Brothers Kerry and Sean
::Pets::: Cat - Mama Cass Dog - Henna
::Screen name::: N/A
::Hair Color::: Orginal-not sure but it is med red brown
::Hair length::: Long very long and beautiful nautral curl- I love my hair
::Eye Color::: Hazel
::Height::: 5'5
::Piercings::: 6
::Tattoos::: 2
::Shoe Size::: 8 - depends on the shoe
::Jeans Size::: Like I am that stupid to tell LOL - Perfect LOL
::Make-Up::: Yes of course!!
::Dye Your Hair::: Oh yeah - When I die you better put hair dye in my coffin!!
::Food::: Sushi, burgers, pizza, toasted cheese
::Drink::: Madras, root beer, regular beer
::Color::: Green - The Irish
::Store::: Target
::Movie::: Lady and the Tramp
::Kind Of Alcohol::: all kinds :)
::Ice Cream Flavor::: Chocolate, Vanilla with Heath Bar (Ben and Jerry's)
::Book::: Criminal Minds - John Douglas
::Season::: Fall - love the change
::Video Game::: I don't play but I did like me some Tekkan, Mario Bro, Car racing game
::Smoked a cigarette::: Yes - I know
::Done Any Drugs::: Who hasn't
::Gotton Drunk::: Of course
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: Yes hehehe
::Bonged A Beer::: Yes, acutually right out of a can, someone taught me the ghetto way to bong a beer LOL
::Had Sex::: Yes
::Kissed Same Sex::: Yes
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: No
::Eaten Sushi::: Love it!!!!! This resturant in NY had the best!!
::Broken A Bone::: Cracked my elbow but still had a cast did not break it though - Knock please on wood
::Like Your Handwriting::: If I take my time - if not hell no
::Have Any Bad Habbits::: Yes
::Hate Yourself::: No
::Shy::: Sometimes depends
::Tolerant Of Others::: Yes
::Aggressive Or Passive::: Aggressive
::Have A Journal::: No
::Emotionally Strong::: Yes
::Read The News Paper::: All the time
::Confident::: Yes
::Is There A God::: It depends on how you look at it
::Does He Have A Gender::: God is what you want them to be
::Do Ghosts Exists::: Yes
::What About Witches::: Yes - but not the ones you might think of
::Miracles::: Yes
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: Only in certain postions
::Premarital Sex::: Depends on the age
::Life On Other Planets::: I can't believe I am saying this - Aaron I agree with you - Yes there is
::Porn::: Like it
::Cosmetic Surgery::: Age naturally!!!
Label: CAN YOU
::Sing Well::: Not bad but not good
::Play An Instrument::: Flute back in the day but I faked it most of the time
::Write Well::: Yes - I should considering who my family is
::Skateboard::: no
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: Yes
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: Yes
::Snow Board::: No
::Juggle::: No
::Do A Split::: No-I won't be able to get back up
::Draw::: Wish
::Plan On Marriage::: Yes I do
:: Kids::: Yes I want some eventually
::And Their Names::: not sure
::Occupation::: Would love plan parties or own a pub in Irelan
::Where You Want To Live::: Ireland
::Big Or Small House::: Huge - either stone or log
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: no not really I want to go outside naked and be able to get my mail w/out neighbors
::Long Driveway Or Short::: Long
::Income::: My business
::Cars::: Do they have to be working LOL kidding
::Wal-mart/Target::: Target WOOOO
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: Chocolate
::Night/Day::: Night
::McDonalds/Burger King::: McDs
::Cats/Dogs::: Both
::Fruits/Veggies::: Both
::Pillows/Blankets::: Both
::Pepsi/Coke::: Real Pepsi but diet on both
::Alcohol/Weed::: :)
::Reading/Writing::: Writing
::Biggest Fear::: Clowns - heights
::Compliment You Get Often::: I just love your Hair
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: Hmmm that is a hard one
::Regrets::: Sometimes but things happen for a reason
::Gotten Arrested::: no
::Are You Ticklish::: Yes
::Longest Relationship::: 6 yrs :)
::Regrets::: None
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: Alot - I am addicted to alot of shows thank god for TiVo
::What color Is Your Room::: Red, black and white
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