v.i.l.u.c profile picture


I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a wa

About Me

her.name.is.vivi her.artist.name.is.viluc she.has.a.sweetheart she.likes.girls.&.boys she.kills.her.hair she.has.an.open.mind she.has.her.own.style shes.a.photographer shes.a.web.desinger shes.a.graphic.designer shes.a.artist she.loves.&.cares.about.her.friends&family she.wears.glasses shes.hyperactive shes.bcreative shes.curious shes.enthusiastic shes.innocent shes.loveable shes.happy what.else.is.there.for.a.girl? Alan is the most wonderful guy in the world & I hope he realizes just how much I really care. His the best thing that anything has happend to me in this god dam for saking world! We've been through quite a bit of shit BUT what couple dosen't? BUT no one & I mean NO ONE will break us up. Alan your my vampyre prince & you're all mine. So back off BITCHS!!!! Ahaha! LOL *mwah* i love you so, so much. 'til death us do part ------------------- cut here ------------------- This is how my world is(the video...)

My Interests

photography any.type.of.art my.friends iam.into.vampyres/vampires meeting.new.people my.pussies my.family music poetry piercings/tattoos having.a.fun learning.new.things reading.books helping.someone.in.a.need making.jelewery cameras thrift.store traveling candy

I'd like to meet:

opended.minded.people share.diffrent.ideas someone.who.as.a.charater i.welcome.you.to.my.friendship

My Blog

.+.[Own Little Business].+.

Hello Ladie and Gentamen! ♠I just want to tell people that are intrasted in falls. ♠I make them, just send me a messege telling me if your want any. ♠What colors you want, what t...
Posted by v.i.l.u.c on Thu, 08 Dec 2005 08:46:00 PST