CHECK BACK SOON FOR PHOTOGRAPHY SHOWS/SLIDESHOWS, LINKS TO: The Why, Why, Whys; The Revelations; The Frosted Flake Freaks & films by The Da Vinci Group!
You Are 96% NYC
Congratulations, you are truly a New Yorker. You've seen it all, and you're more than a little cynical.
How NYC Are You?
"I do not believe in the word "impossible"
there once was a girl from Angola, she wouldn't play the
viola, her wigs were outrageous, her charm was contagious -
fill in the blank
"Flying private is like the best sex - you have been spoiled for life by the sweetest thing - and you are left wanting, pining, for more, more, more!"
I am a polyglot. Not to be confused with a Triceritops