About Me
My goals are to fulfill the calling God has on my life, to be a blessing to his people that he already set me up with, graduate from college with a bachlor degree in business management, Have a family, be connected with the wife that God already got for me, win souls and make disciples and to bless my mother who I love with all my heart with the finer things in life.My favorite quote: Nothing can stop what I..m destine for.I represent Pontiac(The realest city ever) Where stars are born fromNBA prospect on his way (Marlon)Oh!! and please if you are a hater that cool but don..t hate on me cause you ain..t me or you don..t like what I..m about cause you can keep on stepping because my confident still remain the same and you can..t fade me.What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?We realize that with the growing popularity and glamorization of homosexuality, that this subject can be a very difficult one to address. Furthermore, as hate crimes specifically committed against homosexuals occur, many feel that this issue shouldn..t be addressed at all for fear of only adding to the hostile environment that many homosexuals face. Despite the cultural climate in which we live, this issue must be addressed according to the Word of God. God..s laws are always for our good, although man may see them asrestricting. In the end, only obedience to the Word of God can bring true freedom. We address this issue out of God..s love for the homosexual to bless and help him.Much of our society has embraced many perverted sexual practices that are considered in the Bible as abominations to God. Homosexuality is among the list of deviate or abnormal sexual practices however, there are many other practices that can be included as well. Pornography, pedophilia, prostitution, bestiality, oral sex, phone sex and computer virtual reality sex, just to name a few of them.1 Corinthians 6:9-10 (NIV): "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters, nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."Although the Bible doesn..t detail each and every one of these sinful acts, it does clearly speak out about many of them. Any deviation from God..s original plan for sex between a married man and woman is still a sin in God..s eyes. The main reason we call these things perverted is because they are unnatural and scripture clearly tells us those who do such things are committing abominations. Leviticus 18:22 (KJV): "Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind it is abomination."Homosexuality is also referred to as the sin of sodomy. This reference comes from an account in the Bible of two exceedingly wicked cities, Sodom and Gomorrah, which the Lord destroyed. Sodom was known for its rampant homosexuality and unrestrained sexual lust, as well as other sins such as arrogance, haughtiness, and disregard for the poor. When the Lord sent angels to warn Lot who lived in the city that it was about to be destroyed, the men of the city actually wanted to rape the angels! Genesis 13:13: "But the menof Sodom were wicked and sinners before the LORD exceedingly."In the Old Testament the penalty for this sin was severe. Leviticus 20:13: "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them." Today the penalty of death comes in the form of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases. It also brings death to the soul and spirit of man because the life of God is pushed out by indulging in something that is an abomination to God. God wants to deliver all who are trapped in this unholy practice and He will if anyone calls out to Him with a sincere heart.Romans 1:24-32:Hey!!!! I have a question for you. Where would you go if you died today? If Jesus came back today would you go to Heaven or hell?
Well I..m not the one who judge people but if you fall under the list of fornication, homosexuality, lying, cheating, adultry, witchcraft, stealing, drug addict, or alcholic you need to get right. We are living in the last day where sins is getting worst and Jesus is the answer to our problem. Without Jesus in your life there is no spiritual guidance or physical guidance to defeat the enemy (Devil) in warfare which we face everyday. So I pray that this bless you cause the bible say that all liars, fornication, homosexual, backbitter etc. will have there place in the lake of firewith burning brimstones. So if that you I encourage you to get right with God tonight because tomorrow isn..t promise to you.With the help of God in your life the things you want will begin to unfold and sudden you are walking into what God said you can have and what you were in him before the foundation of the world. So I pray that your hearts are being convicted right now as I speak the word of the lord to you and that you will answer the calling on your life.If you are willing to accept jesus in your life say this prayer Jesus the son of the living God I thank you for dying for me.However,I acknowledge my sins that are before me. Because you died for my sins my sins are forgiven. Therefore, because of the blood I am set free. So I confess with my mouth that you are the son of God. I invite you to come into my heart and live within me. Help me fulfill the work that you called me to do to glorify your name. I thank you for saving me. After you have said that give God some praise and continue to get to know him in ways you never knew him before. Be bless people of God.