We are constantly seeing our youth die through gang violence, this is a problem that is affecting the whole community. It is time we stand up together as one community to fight this problem and bring change to the lives of our youth.
believes the streets are severely neglected, both socially and economically; this depravity spirals down into all spheres of life, young men and women are subject to negative stereotypes from childhood. When youths are constantly told they have no worth or value in society this becomes self-fulfilling prophecy. There is so much pain in some of the hearts in these young individuals who are living on road, and they look to all forms of destructive outlets for this pain.
We believe this has gone on for too long, and now they must be made aware that only Jesus can take away that pain. Youths can change their lives with the help of Jesus, we have done it and now need our brothers and sisters living without hope to realise there are opportunities and options and nothing will be impossible for those who believe.
We desperately need the streets to be inspired by seeing the reality of Christian youths today. That they see us as people who can be identified with and can be related to; people who were once living the same lives, but have realised their promise and received new lives through Christ Jesus.