RYU profile picture



About Me

hey my name is ryu i was trained and raised by master Gouken. there was one man who masterd our fighting style his name was akuma who learned the same fighting style from master Gouken but he didnt only learn fighting from him he also killed Gouken. and when he killed him he was cursed by the evil power the dark hado. now he fight's only to kill. one day a little boy came to the dojo i train at he said he was my little brother i didnt know what he was talking about but he showed me a picture of our mom i never seen her then i did know he was my little brother because he knew almost everything about me.

I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

I am a student of the shotokan school i train there with my friend ken we master and train there alot

I'd like to meet:

id like to meet sagat to kick his ass again and to stop akuma from fighting with the power of the dark hado


i dont really listen to musicI edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4




dont have alot of time to watch tv


i dont read alot


Master Gouken who taught me everything I know and the great hadoken attack..