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French Duke

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Layout by CoolChaser-Im Mon...i think im cooler than Santa AND all his raindeer, wore black before it was "rad" but was always 2 happy 2 b a goth. I strongly believe that life should come with background music - or at least mine anyway...I pee and brush my teeth in the shower... not necessarily in that order and definately not at the same time... I freak out when the blue water in my toilet runs out and i like to freeze foods that really shoudnt be frozen...cant do anything particularly that well but i have great boobs so thats my excuse...for everything. I dont drink or smoke but i will sniff textas and paint - what can i say, no ones perfect the type of girl that will burst out laughing when there is dead silence - at something that happened yesterday:) Live with my amazing boyfriend who i love more than an emo kid loves girl pants - he completes me :P I feel blessed. Most people spend their whole lives looking for love. I found love, a best friend and happiness at the same time. When u have someone making u laugh consistantly, u realise u have everything or when u stay awake, even if ur dead tired, just to take their presance in a little longer, u realise u would give every part of ur life just to be in theirs:) I like Tatts and piercings... i have some. Dont ask me if they hurt - coz think about it - they certainly didnt tickle. I have a great job in the highest building in Perth with the most breathtaking view and recently i find myself up there, having a silent moment of satisfaction that this IS my life. You know the moments when everything slows down and everything gets really dreamy and weird? i live for these moments...i'm definetly learning alot at the moment...peace xox>>>..
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

-Dane Cook----Toby Rand-

My Blog

A year in the life of... Part 3

I mayve hit a rough patch at the moment but il get thru it, i always do. Theres no point in bitching bout me coz at the end of the day, iv just named every person who matters, im starting a new job in...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 00:47:00 GMT

A year in the life of... Part 2

Im not a saint myself n i wont try to paint myself as 1. I hav, on more than one occasion, been 'the other woman' and i hav cheated on my partners so i can c how it may seem hypocritical that i dobbed...
Posted by on Thu, 24 Jul 2008 00:33:00 GMT

A year in the life of...

Its funny how this time last year i thought i had the world at my feet, a great guy who i loved with all my life, best mates who i loved even more and thought would b around 4 ever, gewd times hittn t...
Posted by on Wed, 23 Jul 2008 23:52:00 GMT

''Australia, says no...''

Whilst i was switching channels in btwn crappy shows (yes crappy, 'SERIOUSLY' *take note channel 10) everyones favourite chocolate ad came on... U know the one, 'wouldnt it be nice' etc etc. Is it jus...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 04:32:00 GMT

The Ikea Opening Part 2

Technically, we opened at 10am n sat around doin nothn for an hr or so. I wasnt going to complain. And then it started 'ohhh, its too far to walk', 'ohhh, u want me to take the stuff out of the bag, W...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 13:22:00 GMT

The Ikea Opening

Wher 2 begin? The Ikea grand opening... Well 1st, we had 2 park at the old store- cheers 4 dat guys. Now i wont lie, I totally 4got we had done that so on my lunchbreak i went 2 the parking lot dwnsta...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 12:50:00 GMT

What the fuck...?? Part 2

So not 1 but TWO channells R promoting these 'Lose Inches in a Week' exercise machines. Some skinny bitch just sed ''its so much fun, i totally 4got im exercising'' LIES! heres a few tips ya half nake...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 11:39:00 GMT

What the fuck...??

So its like i dunno 3, 4, mayb 5 am atm and late nyt tv has given me the following options 1) Pro Activ 'infomercials' FUCK OFF JESSICA SIMPSON Y DONT U JUST ADMITT U USE JIZZ ON UR FACE U DUMB SHIT '...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Feb 2008 10:28:00 GMT