♥Hell on Wheels♥ profile picture

♥Hell on Wheels♥

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hmmm…where to start…well, I am twenty years old and a sophomore at Longwood University. I am just recently changed my major from Psychology (which required an endless number of hours reading and studying about the brain) to Sociology even though I am not exactly sure what I want to do with it yet. In my spare time, I like to listen to music, read, write stories or poems, work out at the gym,, and watch television. If you met me, you would probably think I am a tomboy because I rarely wear dresses and love watching american football and baseball; however, I can be quite girly at times (after all, I was the mascot/cheerleader for Hermitage High School). Like a few of my friends, I do have a condition known as Cerebral Palsy which has left me unable to move my left ligaments as well as the others. It has also left me with a slight speech impediment, so often people either think I am deaf or mentally challenged. With that explanation, you can probably imagine how hard it is to make friends; however, I do not allow myself to feel sorry for myself because it is their lost. I know I am a great person and that God made me this way for a reason.
Name: Lindsey
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Birthday: January 16
Birthplace: Radford
Current Location: On the computer
School: Longwood
Height: 5'2
Shoe Size: 9
Eye Color: Hazel
Hair Color: Light-Dark Brown
Skin Type: Fair
Single?: Yes
Do you Smoke?: No
Do you do Drugs?: No
Do you Drink?: Sometimes..only at frat parties
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: 2
MCDonalds or Burger King?: Both
Pepsi or Coke?: Coke
Favorite Sport?: Football or Baseball
Do you Sing?: Yeah...not well though
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Chocolate
Do you shower daily?: Yes
Do you want to get married?: Yes
Do you want to have kids?: Yes
Do you get sea sick?: Not that I know of
Do you believe in yourself?: Most of the time
Do you like thunderstorms?: Sometimes
Are you a health freak?: Depends, I'm usually in the middle
Do you get along with your parents?: Sometimes, we butt heads a lot
Do you play an instrument?: No
Number of Tattoos: 0
Number of Piercings: Use to have 2
Number of CDs I own: Too many to count
Style: Comfortable
Pets: 1 dog
Number of Sibblings: 0
What would you like to get pierced?: Nothing
Have you ever stolen from a store?: No
Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: No
Have you ever stolen from your friends?: No
Have you ever beat someone up?: Slapped them
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: No
Have you ever turned down a dare?: Nope, I'm a dare devil
Have you ever kissed a boy?: Yes.
Own a stuffed animal?: Yes, but not as many as Jen
What grade are you in?: In College
Right or Left Handed?: Right
Have you ever broken any bones?: No
Have you ever been stabbed/shot?: No
Have you ever stayed up all night?: Yes, many times
Do you think your attractive?: Most of the time
Who is your funniest friend?: hmm..I don't now..it's a tie
Prettiest Friend?: hmm..I don't now..it's a tie
Weirdest Friend?: Diana Stephens, but I still "love" her (like a sister)
Do you work?: Not yet
Do you get good grades in school?: Most of the time
Number of Past Regrets: 14
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Layout by CoolChaser

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet anybody who has a great personality, is accepting of others, and is great to be around.
The Ideal Man:

How tall? It really doesn't matter; however, if he's taller than me that would be cool
weight? Doesnt matter, as long as he is healthy
hair color? Doesn't matter, but I like brown, blonde, or black
eye color? Hmmm...brown, hazel, or blue
body? Doesn't matter, but I like fit to average
Personality ( Rate from 1-10 of importance, 1 being most important)
funny 3
confident 6
outgoing 7
shy 9
cocky 10
understanding 2
good listener 1
does what he's told 8
easy going 5
makes you laugh 4
His Habits
smoke? Preferably not, but it doesn't matter
drink? I don't mind it unless he's an alcoholic
marijuana/drugs? They could have done it in the past and I wouldn't care
player? He can play a sport but he can not be a player with girls
clingy/possessive? He can be moderately clingy and posessive
just hang out & have fun? That's fine by me
other? Anything else he's passionate about
If he's with you should he....
call every day? It would definately be nice, but only if he wants to
hug/kiss you? It would definately be nice, but only if he wants to
see you every day? Not necessary when I'm at school, but if he wants to that's fine
be himself around you? Definitely
talk about ex-gf's? If he wants to and it would make him feel better that's fine (as long as I know how he feels about me)
quit doing something if you don't like it? Only if he doesn't mind
give you all of his attention? Not necessary
tell you he loves you? Yes, if he does
Final Question
Do you actually think such a guy exists? Yes, somewhere over the Rainbow lol
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The Danger of Ice Coffee

My Friend and I were chilling at VCC when the attack of the ice coffee occurred.

My Blog

Hole In My Heart

If you have ever heard The Eagles' song "Hole in the World", this poem will resemble it.  I wrote this two nights ago...Enjoy!  There's a hole in my heart tonight. There's a cloud...
Posted by on Wed, 23 May 2007 00:23:00 GMT


This is a poem I wrote for Scott after he revealed information about his first love, Audrianna.  I hope he enjoys it!When I first saw you, I knew I wanted to get to know you. With your long shi...
Posted by on Mon, 14 May 2007 21:48:00 GMT

Part Of That World (My Version)

I was bored and listening to the classic song "Part of That World" from the little Mermaid, when this version popped into my head...Enjoy!Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?Wouldn't you think my colle...
Posted by on Tue, 20 Mar 2007 13:11:00 GMT


This is a poem I wrote years ago and recited at Baccalaureate.  Enjoy!    I Am HereI am the same as he or she,The only difference is I have CP.I wonder if they realize how tough l...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:57:00 GMT


Another Poem I wrote when my ex dumped me for the second time...Enjoy!HurtAll this time I thought you loved me,But I was wrong.I loved you with all my heart,While you were plotting against me.All thi...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:07:00 GMT

Losing A Loved One

Another poem I wrote in 2002....Enjoy!Losing A Loved OneWhen I first held you in my arms,I looked at you and felt blessed,You looked at me without noticing that I wasdifferent,You took me for me.You ...
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 01:03:00 GMT

Your Feelings

A poem I wrote for my ex before graduation and before he got a new girlfriend...Enjoy!Your Feelings I sit across from you at the lunch table, Staring into your sparkling green eyes, Trying to reach ...
Posted by on Sat, 06 Jan 2007 13:15:00 GMT

Leave Her Alone

A poem I wrote after I learned that my friend started cutting herself...Enjoy!Leave Her Alone Greetings Satan, How are you today? Bad I'm sure, Since you are taking my friend's life away. You have c...
Posted by on Wed, 03 Jan 2007 13:56:00 GMT