~v0n'dUtcH...r0cKz... profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Cursor by www.Soup-Faerie.Com *-* aKoh??? cMpLe LanG....*-* dEy koL mEh *"-jHo-"* foR sHoRt....*-* jOan b. PanLiLio aNg rEaL naMe k0h...*-* aCtuaLLy di k0h tyPe ung naMe koH!!*-* s0bwanG iKLi!!!*-* sBi niLa muKha dAw mAtaRay aT sn0beRa sA*-* unAng TinGin....???*-* sBi niLah hUh!!!*-* pEro Pag nKiLaLa nYoh koH...*-* s0bRanG paSawAi aToh!!!*-* d kAu maGsAsAwA sA kaKataWa!!*-* i sTanD 5'2 inCheS...hehehehehehe!!!!*-* mEdyoH SinGkiT anG eyEz kOh...*-* d k0h maSaSabinG maPutI akoH...mUrenA nGa eH...*-* d k0h masasAbing mAtaLino aQ sA sKuL...*-* i LovE dAnCin,aNd siNgin...*-* iM a toTaL muSiC laVah!!!*-* i cAnt LivE w/o mUsiC!!*-* d aKoh maXadonG maHiLig sA moVies*-* dEpenDe kuNg anoNg tyPe nG moVie....*-* i LovE HarRy pOttEr....*-* aS oF noW,i aM sTudYing at cDsL...*-* coLegiO dE sAn LoRenZo...*-* mHiLig aKong maNoOd nG t.V...*-* chAt,aNd expLoring thE nEt....*-* paG daTinG sA cLothEs....*-* mEdy0h maarTe aKoh...*-* aYaW koH nG BaduY...*-* aYaw kOh diN nG joLogs....*-* i LikE tHe kiNd oF muSic nAh*-* puNk,mEdy0h RocK....*-* aCousTic aNd SenTi....*-* biHirA ak0h maGkaGus2 sA raP anD*-* hiPh0p nA muZic....*-* aYoKo sA pLastic!!!*-* i aLso LovE aniMe....!!!*-* LovEs coLor bLue,rEd,viOlEt,anD bLacK!!!*-* i KinDa Like tHe suBjeCt sCieNce anD eNgLisH...*-* a FwEnd u cAn tRusT oN!*-* so0o0o0o0o0o0bRanG kuLit akoNg kaSama!!!*-* kaYa konG maGtagO nG siKreTo.....*-* ayoKo duN sA mGa taOng nagsASabinG i-adD kOh cLa!!!*-* di aKoh naGdAdAmoT nG teSti kUng paPaLitAn nYoh...*-* hehehehehehehe!!!*-* mEdyOh maTaTaKutiN aToh....*-* maaaSahAn toh!!*-* i LoVe soKoLatEs anD teDDy beArs!!!*-* uN Lang!!!*-* mHiLig aKong mAgLaRoh ng voLLeybaLL.....*-* aCtuaLLY vArsiTy aKoh dAti eH....*-* i Love teLebAbAd!!!*-* at txTing!!!*-* addIct nAh k0h dUn!!!*-* taKoT aKoh sA KARMA!!!!!*-* aHekZ!!!

*-*~aNgeL oF dEath~*-*

My Interests

i LikE pLayiNg volleyball,swimming,badminthon,bowling... LiKe wAt i Sed i Love tELebaBad,TxtiNg,hAnginGoUt.... bAsta mAdami!!! bWahEhEhE!!
You as an anime girl (with pics) by ayane isozaki
Date of Birth

Quiz created with MemeGen !none

~~* simpLymEh *~~

I'd like to meet:

people who are nice and very friendly....o.k. lang kahit plastik ka... pero mas o.k. sana kung hindi....oOoOpPpPsss!!!add nyo nga pala me sa friendster my account is [email protected] and my 2nd account is [email protected] and [email protected]..........none


Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility: lips
best personality trait: outgoing
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now? it depends
when will you get married? October 14, 2019
your kiss is: mixed messages
People date you because: you're kind

Quiz created with MemeGen !


pop..rnb..acoustic..hiphop..alternative..slowrock.....senti. ...rock... Information i SiMpLymEh is a restricted area. Authorised personel only
From Go-Quiz.comnone

*-*~siLencEr~*-* sSsSshHhHhH..........


i like japanese horror movies,comedy,action,suspense!!!!
Your Dark Secret by tinyman
Your LiveJournal name
Your dark secret You suck cock for cocaine
How many times you have done this 8

Quiz created with MemeGen !


S Strong
I Important
M Masculine
P Primitive
L Lively
Y Yummy
M Mysterious
E Excellent
H Healthy
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From Go-Quiz.com

YM: *~akira11290~* aNd *-simplymeh_akira-*


I Hate Books!!!!!!!!!!They give me headaches!!!!!!!!!!!!
Your Icecream Flavour is...
Cookies 'n Cream! Smooth and creamy with a few rough bits mixed in, you are a real treat! You are probably very popular amongst your friends. Remember too much of a good thing is not always good! Don't lay it on too thick! What is your Icecream Flavour?
Find out at Go Quiz


*-*~iTz n0t eAz t0h bEh mEh. . .~*-*

My Blog

nothing much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i...just...wanna...say... add...nyo...me..as...your...friend... thank...you...
Posted by ~v0n'dUtcH...r0cKz... on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST