BE TRUE TO YOURSELF!!! BE HONEST WITH OTHERS!!!! BE who YOU are!!!!! No Imitations!!!!!! Family,Friends, Fun, Laughing and Elvis!!!! I love the summertime.....swimming, barbeques, riding four wheel ATVs on the river with my husband and the kids, and fishing! I enjoy traveling and learning about different cultures.I love sandy beaches and tequila sunrises,or should I say...I love to drink tequila sunrises on sandy beaches!!!!!!? I have always dreamed of visiting Europe. Ireland,Scotland and England in particular. Maybe a lucky little leprechaun will drop a pot O' gold at the end of my rainbow. Oh well....DREAMS are just that....dreams. I enjoy reading, listening to music and talking on the phone. I especially love to read but I can never find the time. I collect Elvis memorobilia, music and films. I love to watch my son play baseball, he is a hot little pitcher!!! I love to take my daughter shopping and watch movies with her. I enjoy spending time with my oldest son(he is 21) he likes to go shopping too! We have alot of fun when we hang out together. Well, we practically grew up together!! My Children are very near and dear to my heart!!!!! ..
Ha Ha.....Now that is FUNNY!!!!! Adrienne, this one is for you!!!!!
I Love Country Music,Classic rock, Elvis of course, Richard Marx and the EAGLES!!!! I also love Van Morrison and U2. Cross Canadian Ragweed Rocks!!! However, I enjoy many different types of music. I love to travel back in time by listening to music. AC/DC, Van Halen and REO Speedwagon Takes me back to when I was a teenager, hanging out with friends and rocking out in church parking lots. LOL!!! Music is my greatest love....NO COMPARISON.... Music touches my soul, and embraces my heart.
Sweet Home Alabama is my ALL TIME FAVORITE!!!! Gone With The Wind and Titanic are awesome too,Forrest Gump rocks!! I enjoy watching teenie-bopper movies with my daughter also. My favorite actors are George Clooney,Brad Pitt, Reese Witherspoon, Mandy Moore, Billy Bob Thornton, Will Smith, Denzel Washington,Robert Duvall, Julia Roberts, and Lindsay Lohan. I love tear jerkers.....comedy and romance!!!! How Romantic..." The Truth is....I Gave My Heart Away A Long Time Ago,My whole Heart....... and I Never Really Got it Back" SEXIEST MAN ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!
A&E .....I enjoy the CSI shows occasionally. Gene Simmons Family Jewels is funny as hell! I have to watch it!!! I have recently gotten into Grey's Anatomy, but I have watched the entire season's episodes on DVD, because I was always in class on Thursday nights.CMT is getting better....I HATE REALITY TV!!!!!!
My Mom is my number one HERO!!! My husband runs a close 2nd....sorry honey:) He puts up with me(a job in itself), works hard and never complains about it!!!! I also have great respect for John Fitzgerald Kennedy, Dr Martin Luther King Jr. and The United States Military Personnel, including Veterans of all wars, all the Men and Women who have kept this Nation The Land of The Free and The Home of The Brave!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!!