val opielski profile picture

val opielski

About Me

rock paper scissors
Musician, composer, sound designer, filmmaker, installation artist, performance artist.
List of some folks I've played and worked with, in no particular order: ps xo, Dramaton Puppet Theater, Sportsman's Paradise (Guitar Army collective), Elizabeth Smullens, Lost Art of Puppet Orchestra, Krakatoa, French 75 Percussion Ensemble, Janie Geiser, Glenn Branca, Lori Samsel, Invert, Flux Factory, Glendon Jones, The Walking Hellos, Emulsion, Electric Junkyard Gamelan, Charles Cohen, Rhys Chatham, Helena Espvall, Pauline Oliveros, The Light Surgeons, Emily Clark, The Women's Theater Ensemble, Quick Release, Pauline Kim, Mauri Walton, Thom Dura, Viva DeConcini, Michael Dura, Faye Kahn, Bonnie Duncan, Peter Price, Melissa Ferrick, Highwire Artist Collective, Dinorah de Jesus Rodriguez, Catapult Marionette Theater, Bob Phillips, Cheryl Levin, Jack Wright, Robin Carter, Bonnie Duncan, Steve Davis, Monica McHugh, 59 Second Film Festival, The Hand Orchestra, Wendy Bell, Uh-Oh, Andrea Bennett, and many others equally fabulous. And the Willie Mae Rock Camp for Girls.
Grants, Fellowships, Residencies include from Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, Mid Atlantic Regional Media Arts Foundation, American Composers Forum, Independent Performing Artist Project, Painted Bride Art Center, Atlantic Center for the Arts, Group Motion, Philadelphia Fringe Festival. Related Education: none, though I received some mentoring from Andrea Clearfield and MJ MYnarski. Unrelated Education: Masters Degree in Math.
Latest soundtracks include for Janie Geiser's Kinetic-Installation/Performance Piece "The Reptile Under the Flowers", to premier at the Museum of Jurassic Technology in LA, in May, 2009; Luis de Robles Tentindo's "The Mud Angels", which premiered at St. Ann's Warehouse, Janurary, 2009; and for the Japanese/US indie horror film "Tales From the Dead", which premiered in New York & LA, July, 2008, and will have its release in Asia later this year.
All works on this page are either my own work, documentation of my work, or significant collaborations. Please write if you have any questions.
Thank you. Have a nice day.
The FluxBox Experience from ranjit on Vimeo .

My Interests


Member Since: 01/03/2007
Band Website:
Record Label: also see
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog


this day was a long time + 8 years in coming.  wow.
Posted by on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 06:56:00 GMT


my friend and bandmate rasha was killed in a terrible accident on her bike this summer. she was completely wonderful.
Posted by on Fri, 08 Aug 2008 22:28:00 GMT

tiny movie finally uploaded

hey, so, like after literally - at least - 23 tries, i finally succeeded in uploading my tiny film here. i don't know what the $*^&* was going on, but whatever... @$*!^&*!. just saying.anyway. calle...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 22:35:00 GMT


hi there, whoever you are. so i posted some pix of my recent crazy trip to tokyo, plus there are some pix from a previous more calm trip to east-coast mexico and belize. except for the hurricane part...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Aug 2008 21:48:00 GMT


Please look at "lyrics" on the music player, if you want some info about the songs.xov
Posted by on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 14:31:00 GMT