vinterfrost profile picture


Winter comes

About Me

J'utilise cette page pour permettre aux gens d'ecouter ce que je fais.
Les 4 premières chansons ont ete créées et composées à la basse en 2005, avec un son pourri et un jeu encore pire, mais je les aime bien quand même.
Les autres ont été composées sur ordinateur, peut-être les enregistrerai-je correctement si un jour j'atteint un niveau suffisant à la guitare...

This is where i upload songs
Here are 4 of about 18 songs i composed and recorded during august 2005. YES the sound is awful and the play is even worst, but i like the feeling inside... And for those who worry, YES i think i improved my playing since then!
The other songs have been composed with computer, maybe one day i will correctly record them...

My Interests


Member Since: 3/1/2007
Band Members: Fertorn
Influences: For these songs : Ulver for the major part (i was listening a lot to their kveldssanger these times)
In general : true black metal bands, hard rock, classical/nu-classical
(darkthrone, windir, summoning, burzum, led zep, chopin, mozart, wagner, stravinski, john williams)
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None