jenn profile picture


once more my eyes will be filled with wonder

About Me

glass on the pavement under my shoe, without you is what my life amounts to

My Interests

music, creating with my hands, environmental design; and all other forms, documentaries, saving the planet by using renewable resourses, theatre, food, film, the power of thought, matthew mcdaniel

adopt your own virtual pet!


i like the sound of snow crunching beneith my boots


Edward Scissor Hands Pieces of April Ferris Buller's Day Off Rushmore Love Me If You Dare Garden State Amelie Anniversary Party Baraka Dogtown Buffalo 66 Igby Goes Down Almost Famous Reality Bites Run Lola Run High Fidelity Empire Records Monsoon Wedding Autumn Spring Princess Monoke Spirited Away V for Vendetta The Science of Sleep


the office (bbc)


The Power of One. Harry Potter.

My Blog

send my words out into the sea

Will the hour of my freedom come? 'Tis time, 'tis time! To it I call; I roam above the sea, I wait for the right weather, I beckon to the sails of ships. Under the cope of storms, with waves disputing...
Posted by jenn on Fri, 07 Oct 2005 09:27:00 PST