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.. reading, listening to music, being with friends, watching movies, cooking, relaxing, going to the beach to rejuvenate myself and relax the mind, being with my family. I love great hugs, slow sweet kisses. Watching the sunset and the sun rise, if I happen to be up at that time, fresh air, thunder & lightening storms. I love the feel of the warm sun on my face, and to then find that perfect shady spot when it gets to be too warm, th feel of green grass under my toes, the feel of a nice breeze, the sound of rain on my roof...Gardening...watching what I plant grown and bloom is such a beautiful experience. Astrology, sprituality, nature
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Meeting new people and making new friends is always cool. Get to learn different perspectives and points of view. Open minded people are always interesting. If you're mean then don't even bother me...why? Because mean people SUCK!________________________________
I listen to just about everything, except Rap (gives me a hedache). As my uncle once put it, in a poem he wrote to me when I graduated from high school 12 years ago...everything from Mozart to Metallica. That pretty much sums it up. Not a huge Metallica fan anymore though, over played on the radio. In my car I a little bit of everything, ranging from Sesame Street to Staind. My son's favorites (which we tend to listen to most) is Toby Keith, Korn and the new Blink 182, oh and can't forget Steve Vai. I also tend to listen, by default, to the music my son makes when he plays the drums or a whistle (if that counts as music). At almost 4 he's pretty good. He says he wants to be Steve Vai when he grows up. Live music is the best and love going to concerts, whether it's a local band at a bar (some are better than others, I have to admit) or at a big arena. There is always some sort of music being played in my house, whether it's relaxation to soothe the sense or to help unwind after a busy day or something heavier or with a techno beat to get me motivated to get moving or working on household chores
I love movies, whether it's watching them at home by myself or with someone or at a theater. I tend to rent or buy more due to the ridiculous prices at the theaters. When a children's movie comes out I make a point to take my son (not sure if it's the atmosphere he likes or the popcorn). Also, I believe good action films, or those with a lot of special effects, are best seen on the big screen. Romantic comedies are more for home viewing these days, unless of course I am dying to see it and would love to escape for a couple of hours by myself or with friends. I love old classic movies like Breakfast at Tiffany's. Those are my "guilty pleasure" since no one else I know will sit through White Christmas or Guys and Dolls with me. I grew up on Shirley Temple movies, sitting in bed with my mom on Sunday mornings and a big bowl of freshly popped popcorn (not the microwaved stuff). I watch just about everything, except for weird Indy films, Woody Allen films or porn (not my thing and no I'm not a prude, just don't see the point of watching others having sex when I could be doing so myself). Anyway...I love getting lost in the story line and characters of a good movie. It's like a good book.
Law & Order rules!
I love to read and usually read 2-4 books at a time, depending on my mood, time and mind set. For those days when I just need to relax and not consentrate much a good romance novel will work. I love Anne Rice's books, very descriptive and makes you feellike you personally know the characters. I have boxes of books, along with shelves of them. I'd like to say I've read them all, but infortunately not. Where the Wild things are is a classic and was one of my favorite books growing up. I'm proud to say it is also one of my son's, along with Good Night Moon. He has also inherited my love of books.
My grandma on my dad's side...she raised 4 boys on her own after her husband died.My Uncle Tom...for always knowing when I was getting into trouble and would call to "save" me.My son for making me smile and pulling me out of a bad mood.Soldiers, past, present & future from around the world who are giving up their lives for their country and what they believe in. And Josh...a cousin of sorts who is in Iraq right now.