Scrumptious profile picture



About Me

Blissfully Married Love= and this is where i live Please dont ask me to add you if you are a band, or if we have never talked to each other before. This layout was handmade with love by the folks at My space or yours? Go get one!

My Interests

My Husband, Books, Dancing, Swimming, Eating, Hiking, Crafty Things, Sleeping, Painting, the nature, gourmet loose tea, tattoos, piercings, suspension, scarification, stretching, modifications in general, trains, boats, the beach, affection, love, never stopping, never stationary, my home is where i am at, theres more of the world to see, i'm a nomad at heart, a vagabond in my feet, and a gypsy in my bike the ocean chiho aoshima

I'd like to meet:

A Giant Octopus


Anything funky, punky, metal, folky, heavy, ambient, full of beats and twinkles etc. My taste in music is as varied as the nebulae in space.


Audition, pan's labyrinth, rocky horror picture show, hard candy, Death Proof, Four Rooms, clash of the titans, Alice, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, donnie darko, brick, The Jacket, Heathers, Wet Hot American Summer


Fuck TV.


House of Leaves, Siddhartha, The Botany Of Desire, The Raw Uncook Book, The Dangerous book For Boys, SAS Survival Guide.


All the people i hold close to my heart

My Blog

Shave your face with some mace in the dark

This summer. Its a big one.Gail has written me, i have a choice to make.We can either stay here in Niederwerrn, get a job, save some money, wait to go by ourselves to spain, hitching or however else, ...
Posted by Scrumptious on Thu, 01 May 2008 05:18:00 PST

the summer is swiftly approaching

Its always nice in summer to take a minute and remamber the summers past. Like last summer. last summer was absurd in the most extreme respect of the word.But it was almost a year ago. and things have...
Posted by Scrumptious on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:04:00 PST

sick of winter and the drama that comes with it.

Pulling teethWinter's bitter dentistrySmile too big, your enamel might freezeand shatter in the dark silenceof januaryso let your lips chap and take the brunt of Skadi's force and save your teeth for ...
Posted by Scrumptious on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 04:43:00 PST

the view from the center of the universe (please read)

I am currently reading "the view from the center of the universe" I have found it to be educational and in many ways, enlightening. PLEASE READ IT! here are some excerpts!_____________________________...
Posted by Scrumptious on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 06:14:00 PST

so the universe is rapidly expanding

mars last night was beautiful, sucks if you missed it. so vacation has been exactly what everyone usually expects of a vacation. fun, but stressfull at times. i am ready to go home, which will be in a...
Posted by Scrumptious on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 03:52:00 PST

get real.

since i updated this about the other stuff i was posting, disregard it. in the grand scheme of things, its futile to care about it. and silly. after much meditation i have come to the ultimat...
Posted by Scrumptious on Sat, 03 Nov 2007 12:31:00 PST

disgust. that about sums it up

god knows why but apparently everyone seem to think i am some sort of threat. is it that i am too nice? too laid back? is it my godamn looks? i feel pretty abandoned and used right now. thanks everyo...
Posted by Scrumptious on Wed, 08 Aug 2007 03:15:00 PST

back in germany now

sooooooooo after the past MONTH in amsterdam i hve learned alot. seen alot. done alot. met alot of people and really i value my experience there.i cant ever possibly tell you everything that happened ...
Posted by Scrumptious on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 03:44:00 PST

squats and electro

so here i am in ari and gail,s squat. ari is sleeping, gail isnt here. ari and i went dancing at electro night at the winston kingdom and had a good time.   this city is driving me mad. not so mu...
Posted by Scrumptious on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 04:16:00 PST

cloves burn, espresso with honey

Ever since my house burned down, i can see the moon more clearly. my house didnt burn down., but my lungs are on the way i opened my head up recently leanred some new things learned new faces Spring c...
Posted by Scrumptious on Wed, 13 Jun 2007 04:28:00 PST