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The Meaning of Mahalo...
Mahalo is ineffable, indescribable, and undefinable with words alone...
To be understood, it must be experienced...
In what i create i hope to share that experience.
Deeper meaning and sacredness is hinted at by the root words of Mahalo.
Linguists differ in their opinions as to the exact meanings and origins, but this is what was offered by a kupuna (Hawaiian elder):
On a spiritual level, mahalo is a Divine blessing, an acknowledgment of the Divinity that dwells within and without.
Mahalo [Ma = In] + [hâ = breath] + [alo = presence, front, face] "(May you be) in (Divine) Breath." "Mahalo. 1. Thanks, gratitude; to thank. Mahalo nui loa. [mah hah' loh noo'(w)ee loh'(w)ah] Thanks very much. ..Ôlelo mahalo [OH' leh loh mah hah' loh] compliment Mahalo â nui [mah hah' loh (W)AH' noo'(w)ee] Thanks very much. 2. Admiration, praise, esteem, regards, respects; to admire, praise, appreciate.
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