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Pictured below are Swedish Deathmetal legends Dismember with myself & the original artwork for their self titled album. Beneath that is some step by step shots of the artwork in progress:
Pictured below is the Drum kit used by George Kollias of Nile. George asked me to do some custom painted bassdrum heads. I ended up using violet pearl over a black base for the colour & then used 24 carat Gold leaf for the logo's, with some brown candy for detail. Below the images is a clip of George & the rest of Nile in action at Ozzfest 2007. Enjoy.Airbrush art has been a major part of my life since the age of 15. It has led to many interesting experiences & opportunities over the years & i've met some awesome people as a result. It continues to be highly enjoyable & allows me to push my limits & see what i'm capable of, while also providing a constant source of learning & creativity. My friends in different circles mean a huge deal to me, i have loyalty/great respect for them all & my closest friends are everything - without them i am truly lost (Horns up to you all). Extreme metal & other forms of metal music are like oxygen to me, there is no life without it... I rarely listen to anything else. I love metal drumming & jamming/playing in my band, going to metal gigs, whether it's spectating or performing, metal BBQ's & hanging out with other metalheads. You get the idea!