twisting my ankle. music. organic chemistry. quantum physics. battles to the death. hockey. biking. cartoons. tennis. bowling. bass guitar. cheerios berry burst. fall & winter. pistachios. my bed. limping (please direct your attention to my primary interest).
nice folks
explosions in the sky, the silent league, do make say think, sigur ros, drive like jehu, mogwai, failure, criteria, from monument to masses, arcade fire, pelican, communique, sparklehorse, god speed you black emporer! lots more...
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instruction manuals, journals, cd jackets
HAL 2000, Ilya Kovalchuk, Marc Savard, Slava Kozlov, Marian Hossa, Peter Bondra, Garnet Exelby, Kari Lehtonen, Otto Diels & Kurt Alder, Erwin Schrodinger, Emil Erlenmeyer, Gilber Lewis, Linus Pauling, Peter Debye, Melvin Newman, Vladimir Markovnikov, George Hammond, Jean Baptiste Biot, Louis Pasteur, Francois Grignard, Henry Gilman, Michael Faraday, Erich Huckel, Charles Friedel & James Crafts, Georg Wittig, Ludwig Claisen, Arthur Michael & fellow nerds.