Country and Western
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My name is XOXO..that's my stage real name is Dewayna Sue. I am from Bucksnort, Tennessee. All my life I tried to make it in the Country and Western world, but never really got that break I was searchin for. I think maybe my name held me back. So when I heard that Prince(Purple Rain) started calling himself by a "Symbol", that gave me a great idea to do the same, thus my new stage name, XOXO...doesn't it sound good? I have it monogrammed on all my merchandise.
I AM CURRENTLY A NASHVILLE COUNTRY AND WESTERN COORESPONDENT..I BASICALLY SPEND MY DAYS TRACKING DOWN CELEBRITIES, AND REPORTING TO PEOPLE WHERE I FIND THEM, AND WHAT THEY ARE UP TO....SOME CALL ME A STALKER..I THINK THEY ARE JUST JEALOUS THOUGH.Durring the day, I own and operate my own little business to keep food on the table. It is called "Sequin World" where I hand tweezer and Krazy glue sequins on anything you can imagine! I got my start back stage at Opryland here in Nashville, assisting in the costume department, and when they closed down, I cleaned the dressing rooms out, gettin enough stuff to start my new business "Sequin World". I bedazzle anything from cd holders, to ipod holders, all my clothes, and most of country and western singer's clothes, heck, I even glue sequins to my ciggarette filters on my Virginia Slims..just to add more glamour!
I got to meet all the stars in my business, from T.G. Sheppard..mmm...I'd love to run my nails through his chest Lorrie name it ,I know em. I could tell you some things that would curl your toes...but you have to check back with me to know all the jucy details.
I Perform every Friday night at the midnight bowling alley in a little club called the "11th Frame" with my kareoke fake band I call the Arc Angels. We travel the country in our Winnagago. You might want to catch my show sometime. I will soon be offerring my new cd.. "XOXO Live From The 11th will be called..."Sex in the CD"(CITY). You can check back on that to get a few copies. I know you and your friends will all like it..and I sure do need the money for my new hip replacement.
I'm making a large comeback...who knew at this stage in my life that just changin my name would bring me such success!
Since I know all the Country and Western artists, this will be an easy job for me, and a way to make a large comeback! I am backstage at the Grand Ole Opry quite a bit..well, ever since that 911 incident, they've held security back a bit, so they won't let me back stage anymore, but I stand out side, and visit with all my friends there...I don't take it's just the business..I am not bitter. The Country and Western stars are always glad to see me for their interviws/spottings.
Check back with me from time to time for the latest updates...but for now...CHOW!!!
that's French for Catch ya later Allgator