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wobbly headed russ

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

terminatetormentofloveunsatisfied thegreatertormentoflovesatisfied

i would like to subscribe to: honesty, realism with hope, schaudenfruede, the philosophy of the chaser & the chasee, being scared, laughing, ego boosts, lazy days and music videos, non vocal communication, melodramatic dancing, eating, pushing the boundary between humour and insult, the rationality/emotionality dichotomy, beautiful living spaces, empty public buildings, the fact that in the great scheme of things it doesn't really matter, being less than 24hours from anywhere, making people laugh, writing or saying things purely to amuse myself

please do not send me any information on: shoes, any form of leg wear that stops above the ankle and below the knee, non-standardisation of volume levels in media, holding opinions without enough knowledge, being controling, diets & related product, paranoia, impatience, belief that your music taste is better than theirs, newspapers, being too hot, working on sundays, fabricating love through fear of loneliness

my blogs

mon, 28th january, 2008: bump
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sat, 26th january, 2008: this is not cable-stayed
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mon, 27th august, 2007: there's something about brownies
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sat, 25th august, 2007: fringeworthy
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sat, 4th august, 2007: river of dreams
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mon, 11th june, 2007: what a fecking buzz!
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fri, 8th june, 2007: once upon a time in china town
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fri, 30th march, 2007: wii fitness age... 33
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sun, 11th march, 2007: one cycle of the moon
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sat, 10th feb, 2007: to the end
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sun, 4th feb, 2007: land of milk and honey
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mon, 22nd jan, 2007: i'm trying to help you out so could you stop being a twat
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sat, 20th jan, 2007: reg. charity no. 90210
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wed, 17th jan, 2007: silence is golden
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sun, 14th jan, 2007: Ten Commandments
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wed, 10th jan, 2007: humpty dumpty sat on a wall
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tue, 9th jan, 2007: prisoner cell block h
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mon, 8th jan, 2007: swings and roundabouts
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sun, 7th jan, 2007: let's go fishing my lad
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fri, 5th jan, 2007: i can't wait
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thu, 4th jan, 2007: you crazy kids
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wed, 3rd jan, 2007: and on the third day
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tue, 2nd jan, 2007: day2blog2
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mon, 1st jan, 2007: here we go again
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My Blog


So I do what I planned and I go to the random word generator and challenge myself to write something not entirely sleep inducing about whatever word it spits out. Maybe i'll have to write about some f...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Mon, 28 Jan 2008 07:44:00 PST

all in one

Dear Sir,The above vehicle, registered in your name, was recently observed on the 20th January 2008 @ 08.20hrs with glove box wide open / sat nav also on display therefore rendering the vehicle vulner...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Sun, 27 Jan 2008 07:44:00 PST

this is not cable-stayed

Everyone seems to be blogging this week. Maybe it's because the party has finally worn off, the floods have subsided and we're all feeling a bit more reflective. Maybe it's just cos there's nothing go...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Sat, 26 Jan 2008 09:47:00 PST

theres something about brownies

i've been thinking a lot about food recently. or rather, food has been on my mind. not in the usual healthy 'mmm, what tasty treat can i eat next' way, but in the more worrying 'i really shouldn't hav...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 03:26:00 PST


now it's not usually my way to do the blog about days out and fancy holidays and such. no. i'm far more likely to jot down meandering barely-sensical ramblings about some dream i had or how i was scar...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Sat, 25 Aug 2007 02:22:00 PST

river of dreams

it seems that when waking life becomes a little pedestrian, dreams take up the slack, natural defence against depression i guess, which we all know is caused by boredom, and stupidity, but mostly bore...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Sat, 04 Aug 2007 09:22:00 PST

what a fecking buzz!

you're in a car, in traffic, stifled by the heat and still air, just hoping to get to your destination as soon as possible, then a few drops start to fall from the sky10minutes later you can barely se...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 10:51:00 PST

once upon a time in china town

there are some meetings in this world, that while you weren't present, you know for a fact actually happened, like the one where the channel 4 exec sat the hollyoaks writers infront of a dvd of skins ...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Fri, 08 Jun 2007 12:38:00 PST

wii fitness age... 33

so i bought this coconut right, i did it in a moment of impulse.. passion... wimsy.. i saw it, lying there at 1am in asda with all it's mates not doing much and my head shot back to more innocent time...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 02:07:00 PST

one cycle of the moon

it's been a month since i last blogged, which first goes to highlight the ridiculousness of half of what i said in january, secondly echoes what i said in february about being too brain broken for con...
Posted by wobbly headed russ on Sun, 11 Mar 2007 12:29:00 PST