Just call me Cam. You are a friend or an aquaintance. There is no gray area! If you are my friend, then you know that everything on here is bullsh*t! If you are an aquaintance, you think you know but you have no idea! My friends know that words and images do not come close to the real me! I am who I am. I am - Bubbles, Coach, Cam and Camy. I am the ultimate optimist. If you are sad, I will make you smile. If you are smiling, I will make you laugh. If you are laughing, then I will simply smile. To me everything is great! My family is great, my friends are amazing, and my kids are AWESOME! You all know who you are! I don't have a strand of meaness. I smile and laugh more than any native I know. LoL! Anyway...I am a born and raised New Mexican. Been here all my life except for a two year sabbatical when I lived in California! That was heaven on earth let me tell ya! LoL! If I could I would go back, but otherwise I am pretty content with small town living. I rarely take to change and I prefer to take the road less traveled. I make things harder than they are and don't take anything seriously. I am a down to earth gal. I always try to lend a hand and I am convinced that glue and tape can fix almost anything. I don't go out too much but when I do it's always worth it. LoL! I don't make friends easily but when I do I try to be a good one.
As cheesy as it may sound I love hearts and butterflies. Both delicate but powerful beyond measure just like me. LoL!
Destiny by Zero 7 is one of my favorite songs of all time. I feel a personal connection to this song. It would have my profile song but I can't find it and quite frankly I am too lazy to find it. I don't care if you like it or not. I added this song for me anyways.
I LOVE Charm's Blow-Pops! I guess a true reflection of my sweet personality. I love everything about my life and everyone that's a part of it. I never ask for more than I deserve and sometimes don't realize my true worth. I am patient and easy going. I take life as it comes and make the best of it.
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