21-year-old liberal. Lucky. Thankful. Aspiring musician. But I'm losing my edge to the Internet seekers who can tell me every member of every good group from 1962 to 1978. I'm jealous of the kids who grew up in the 80s. I miss nap time. I miss the time in my life when the only concerns I had were making sure I got my Jungle Juice before play time and making sure I didn't miss "Tale Spin" that afternoon. I miss the days of sitting on the couch with my feet dangling three feet from the ground, watching "Fraggle Rock" after a day of Four-Square and tricycle racing. I miss playing Uno with the kids who always bought Slim Jims because they thought the Macho Man was cool. It's my goal to make every person I see each day laugh at least once. Making someone smile makes my day. I'm a firm believer in what comes around goes around, and vice versa.