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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

We are a paneclectic pagan congregational church (read as Circle) supporting the Troy area of New York and beyond. Our Church was established in 1998 in Schenectady, NY and is currently headquartered in Troy, NY.
We have members from many religious traditions who come to celebrate the turning of the Wheel of the Year with us. You do not have to give up your faith to be a member of the church. We are always looking for new members and people that are sincerely interested in studying and practicing the magickal pathways of the world. Our training system is second to none and will provide you a hands on education in magickal theory, ritual preparation and execution, the basics of many cultural paradigms and a host of other techniques. We have a student affiliate group at RPI called the RPC which is run currently by Carol Young, a student of ours in Clerical training and studying aeronautical engineering at the school. Meetings for the RPC are held on Thursdays from 8-9pm in the student union when the kids are in session. br>
We have "Meet and Greets" from time to time at local diners, restaurants or cafes for the general purpose of meeting new people and having a good time. These are usually pretty lively events; lots of chatting and laughing. They are almost always family friendly and you can also feel free to bring friends that might be interested. Members are encouraged to suggest these icebreakers in their neck of the woods. The Capital District encompasses alot of territory and we rarely get to see all of the members. We also cater to the local solitary practictioners providing a comfortable environment to learn and grow in the Love and abundance of the Elder Gods
Our primary service is a weekly public ritual held in Troy, NY at the Troy Headqaurters( 251 9th st., 2nd floor) on sundays at 7pm. Please try to be on time. Most are welcome to attend and participate. Please bring an open mind and a willingness to participate. Public rituals are free of charge. We use a standard Wiccan mechanic which should be familiar to most and our talented clergy are adept in many magickal forms. You do not need to have any previous experience to attend and to fully participate. We are a family friendly organization with a focus on the passing of time in lunar and solar cycles. We currently work with a particular deific pair for a month of sundayss and then explore other cultural paradigms or archetypal relationships.
I (Rev. Dr. Timothy Lake) practice a form of Germanic Heathenry personally and am well versed in the runes and IndoEuropean studies. The Nine Noble Virtues of the Havamal make one of three moral pillars for the church and we throw a healthy dose of heathen attitudes and practices into the mix.
Please note that this is our outreach vehicle for meeting local pagans and magickally minded others. If you don't know us yet and get an invite, don't be alarmed. Feel free to ask your questions here and one of our clergy will respond and/ or put you in touch with someone who may have an answer for you.
We are primarily an inperson organization. If you are in the area, come to one of our great events and get started on your path towards spiritual development. We love to see folks. See you all soon! Brightest blessings of the Elder Gods!Consider joining our forum at: may need to use Firefox in order to see it properly. It was set up by our intrepid RPI students. Jen Carter was the lead programmer.Our members only list is: you consider yourself a member of the Tradition, feel free to join us there. By old standards, if you did at least 3 events with us of any sort, you were a member. By new standards, members are encouraged to be more committed.The old Schenectady_pagan_cluster list at yahoo groups is gone disregard the link below..

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone interested in meeting with local Pagans for discussion, learning, networking, public rituals and anything else we can come up with.

Please take a look at our Yahoo group at:

Click to join schenectady_pagan_cluster

My Blog

poetry and guided tour at arboretum, aug.14

POETS AT PINE HOLLOW ARBORETUM ON AUGUST 14thCelebrate nature with poetry at the beautiful Pine Hollow Arboretum in Slingerlands, New York. A late summer Friday evening event sponsored by the Arboret...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Jul 2009 07:46:00 GMT

Upcoming SPC and Poets' corner events

Every Tuesday is a zen style meditation involving 25 minutes sitting and five minutes walking and then another sitting session. It is held in the sacristy of the 1st Presbyterian church in Troy( 5th s...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Jul 2009 15:12:00 GMT

Handfasting of James and Lois Connelly in Florence, VT.

It is with great joy that we announce our newest married couple. James and Lois were handfasted at the Hard Farm in Florence, VT.( near Rutland) on the Midsummer Solstice. Please join me and the board...
Posted by on Wed, 24 Jun 2009 16:09:00 GMT

Summer Break for SPC ritual

The SPC is on Summer break in regards to ritual.  We will still hold meet and greets and field trips during the break.  When we return in September, we will have a new format and will be focusing on d...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Jun 2009 10:52:00 GMT

SPC Beltane ritual update

We will be celebrating Beltane tonight, sunday the 3rd( last day of Beltane) rain or shine. We will be doing a Maypole and a spiral dance in the community gardens. Come join us. It will also be the 20...
Posted by on Sun, 03 May 2009 11:39:00 GMT

new forum for SPC/RPC/TPC affiliated folks

Hey gang,   We have a new forum for networking which we encourage you to join and in which you should be may need firefox to see it properly.It was developed ...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 12:51:00 GMT

invitation to SPC Earth Day and May Day Sabbats and other events

     As many of you know, we have already passed by Earth Day proper( 22nd Avril),  The Schenectady Pagan Cluster has made Earth Day a High Sabbat along side the other major Fire Festivals.  We will b...
Posted by on Thu, 23 Apr 2009 12:06:00 GMT

RPC Meetings for the month of February

Hello.. all. The Renns..alaer.. Pagan.. is a stude..nt club of RPI. We have devel..oped it with a mind towar..ds maint..ainin..g it once the stude..nts gradu..ate, so that we don'...
Posted by on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:20:00 GMT

Yule Ritual plans changing

Hey gang,Whereas I just checked the weather outdoors and on the TV and whereas the weather includes 50 mile an hour winds and arctic cold along with the nuisance snow, I am going to call for the two r...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 17:52:00 GMT

SPC YULE ritual update

At this point, Just past Midnight on the 21st, after having just come home from the annual Wassail in albany,  the SPC ritual is still on for 7pm at Reyn and jonathan's home in Schenectady( 938 norwoo...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Dec 2008 09:28:00 GMT