About Me
In 1991, Greg Campbell, an Indiana living skateboard riding rebellious go getter, discovered his roots in music with a passion for late eighties retro/electronica, Industrial,
and obscure avant garde. Falling in love with technology and the sound of sequenced rythyms, Campbell yearned for an education of this new sound in every way possible. Without the internet and only a small support system of somewhat like minded peers it was not easy to reach further outside the box of expansion. A few years later, Campbell found further inspiration by having the priviledge to travel up to nearby Chicago, visiting record stores such as Wax Trax, Reckless, and Gramaphone. Building
an even more impressive collection of hard to find quality pieces, both dancefloor and mellow, those early visits were crucial in development of Where Campbell
is today. Since Chi town has such a rich musical history and liveliness, it wasnt but a few more Chi trips til he discovered other sounds such as funk,
disco, jazz, and of course Chicago House Music.Soon to follow Campbell discovered the early wharehouse and rave scene going to the all ages Indiana events, picking up mixtapes from such local midwest heroes
such as David Hollands, Mike Bryant, "Cyberjive" John Larner, John Acquaviva, Derrick Carter, DJ Sneak, Terry Mullan, Hyperactive, Woody Mcbride and Paul Johnson just to name a few.In 1997 Campbell took up the opportunity to move to Detroit, where he landed his first industry position marketing and PR work for one of the top 5 clubs
in the country at that time, the legendary Motor Lounge. Gaining a vast knowledge of the rugged and deep history of Detroit Techno and House,
Campbells next step was to start DJing and mixing the two sounds of Detroit and Chicago together to form something fresh. Campbell bought his first DJ
equipment in 1997. Paying his dues, spending the next three years spinning house parties, small shitty bars, and the "slow nights", at Motor while slowly
but surely making a mark.2001 came and Motor Lounge closed, Campbell got a very promising offer to resident and co host the hottest club in Indianapolis IN called Eden. The
opportunity was taken and the move had been made. Holding down this residency furthering the industry contacts, Greg made an impressive well respected
name for himself spinning unique material while blending and cutting to keep the crowd on their toes at all times. Soon enough, even for Indianapolis, the
DJ pool got overly saturated so Campbell chose to invest in the necessary studio hardware/software to start producing his own blend of originality.While taking the time to learn the production aspects, Greg used his industry connections to the fullest extent and started touring all over the midwest,
eventually playing on both the east and west coasts. During those times the production talent was developing and the sound coming from Campbells
studio was a blend of disco, a dash of late 80's avant garde, mixed with modern day synths and innovative programming along with beefy in your face drum
patterns.Desiring a good quality controlled outlet to market this one of a kind original sound Campbell was producing, he decided to start his own record label, entitled
Full Flavor Music which was launched in late 2007. The label, which is proud to push the finest and freshest sounds to the ear of the modern dancefloor speaker freaker.A guaranteed crowd pleaser as a DJ, his production and musical style is giving him even further recognition as pushing "the new disco" sound to the dancefloor.
Continuously focusing on electronic musics revolution and providing for the people the sound of tomorrow, Greg Campbells future will only shine brighter.For bookings please contact...greg@fullflavormusic.com or djgregcampbell1@yahoo.com