I Am a 6FT. 2IN. Straight Male, Born in N.C but Raised in N.J for over 25 years, I also have Lived in N.Y, TX. and CA. I was Born again and Saved by Grace in 1983, in N.J at the age of Thirty,I was Ordained a Minister in 1985,in N.J under the Late BISHOP Leroy Johnson ,Rehoboth Apostolic Church,Jersey City, N.J, I also was Ordained an ELDER and into the Prophetic Office in 1990, in Fayetteville , N.C under Bishop Eddie Ford Jr.GRACE & TRUTH CHURCH of GOD IN CHRIST. IN 1993, I FOUNDED AND FORMED "MESSAGE TO THE WORLD MINISTRIES INC." UNDER THE CONTROL OF THE HOLY SPIRIT OF ALMIGHTY GOD, IT IS A NON DENOMINATIONAL & MULTI-CULTURAL MINISTRY FOR ALL PEOPLE. TO HELP MAKE THIS EARTH A MUCH BETTER PLACE TO LIVE,WORK & GROW!. MY Motto is that Effective Ministry, Affecting the WORLD!. is Changing Peoples Lives, through the Alleviation of difficult Situations & Circumstances in Life. I believe in Winning Lost Souls at Any Cost, " While proclaiming Gods Message of Salvation ThroughOut the Whole World," Exalting CHRIST & Equipping the Saints with a KINGDOM Agenda," Teaching Gods principles by Rightly Dividing the Infallible Word of Truth with divine Revelation."AND not by my own power or might ,not even personal strength, but by the Holy SPIRIT of GOD! & his ANOINTING. I am always Praying for my Self, my Family, the people of GOD, Friends, My Country, & The WORLD. IN Departing I would like to past on something from my late MENTOR, BISHOP Leroy Johnson who went home to Glory! in 1999, He would always tell us!, when ever you do Anything for GOD! do your very BEST every time!& do it like its your last TIME! Meaning Always go all out! giving GOD your BEST,& the GLORY! Concerning what ever is being done."The Ministry's Foundation Scriptures are "And He said to them, Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the good news (the GOPSEL) to every creature[ of the whole human race]. MARK 16:15 AMP. " Then I saw another angel flying in midair, with an eternal GOPSEL ( good news) to tell to the inhabitants of the earth, to every race and tribe and language and people. REV.14:6 AMP. Here are some of the many Motives, Objectives,& Obligations, of " MESSAGE TO THE WORLD MINISTRIES."
1. Our message is the SOUL WINNING GOSPEL given by CHRIST & His Apostles, to promote the word of God to the World! through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Lord & Savior.& to Disciple the World for Christ,Through Witnessing in the Message of Love. 2. TO Introduce Clear Teaching for Christian Living, that brings Believers to Maturity & Equips the Body of Christ for Ministry Service. 3. TO Promote the Implantation & Function of the Five Fold Ministry into the Body of Christ, throughout the World. Increasing the Fullness of Christ by IMPARTING the Apostolic Doctrine. 4.TO Exhort & Encourage Fellow Christians, to continue in the Faith! for the purposes of Growth, Unity,& Strength in Christ. 5. TO promote Holiness & Godlyness Our Relationships with God & Mankind for Living & Service. ALSO to be Responsible to God, Ourselves , & the Body of Christ. 6. We Worship God in SPIRIT & in TRUTH, we believe in giving God the Honor,Praise,& Glory due His Name, & Presence. 7.We are Servants of Christ in the World! To Help Feed & Clothed the Poor & Needy,TO Minister to the Sick & Homeless & to visit Those in Jails & Prisons, TO Support & Assist Other MINISTRIES in Doing the Work of God ON the Earth. 8. WE Declare Warfare aganist Satan, & We Arm ourselves to Destroy the works of the Devil, through Intercessory PRAYER, Fasting, The WORD of God, The Blood, & The Name OF JESUS. 9.We Believe in the Operation of the HOLY SPIRIT in the Lives of BELIEVERS, in MINISTRY, & the CHURCH & the WORLD. "And His gifts were {Varied,He Himself appointed and gave men to us} some to be Apostles[ special messengers},some Prophets {inspired preachers and expounders],some Evangelists[ preachers of the Gospel,traveling missionaries],some Pastors[ shepherds of His flock]and Teachers." His intention was the Perfecting and the full equipping of the Saints[His consecrated people],{that they should do} the work of ministering toward building up Christ,s body(the Church), EPH.4:11-12 AMP. A Special NOTE....My Second Spiritual Father Bishop Eddie Ford Jr. Of GRACE & TRUTH Church Of God In Christ, Has Departed This Life & Gone Home to Glory this May 9th 2009, He Will Be Greatly Missed By Myself & Many Others For what He stood For In The Lord! " PRAISE OUR GOD!"
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