"Talking"... Been known to talk to a lot of different people from a lot of different places. "Hustlin"... Everybody needs a hustle. "Hating people"... I know it sounds terrible, but it’s totally a hobby (u know u all do it!). "Shopping"... I don’t care if its boots, bags, Band-Aids or bananas; if it involves the act of spendin $ I’m totally down! "Driving"... I swear it should be mandatory 4 anyone who puts 21,000 miles on their car in 4 months to list driving as a damn interest! "My girls"... I don’t care for all girls, but I do care for mine, more than anything; u pretty lil things know exactly who u are!
The very last person I would have ever expected to meet on MySpace!
Well, unfortunately both of my iPods and just about every cd I’ve ever owned have all recently been stolen... So needless to say, I’m completely lacking in the music dept at the moment! And I'm veeeeery bitter about it. It's a sore subject so I need to pass on this section.
Six Feet Under (almost any HBO series actually), Grey's Anatomy, Will & Grace, Friends, Law & Order, I Love Lucy, Seinfeld, Inside the Actor's Studio, The Tyra Banks Show, Oprah, Family Guy, I Love New York, and that’s already way more TV shows than I actually get around to watching.
My dad, bro, sis... The Ditlove's are pretty bad ass.