Ryan profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a pretty simple person. I love life and hate drama. I like to have fun, but am not much of a party animal. I'm a sports junkie. I'm usually pretty easily entertained. I'm a very easy-going person and easy to get along with.

My Interests

I like to have fun in any form. If you ask me what fun is, it all really depends on the day. There are the days where fun is sitting with my thumb up my butt. Other days, bars, bowling, movies. I'm a major sports fan (Go Dodgers and Lakers). I go to a lot of Dodger games. Other interests include Vegas, traveling (although I'm not very well travelled), trying to find my niche in the world so I can make my millions and retire by 30. And finally my friends interest me...they keep me on my toes.


My tastes vary depending on the day but are pretty broad.


Las Vegas, The Office, 30 Rock, Most things involving sports (especially the Dodgers), Weeds to name a few. There are more that I care not to disclose for the sake of my manhood.