music, movies, legal stuff, logic and stuff that makes you think, ummm alcohol, and did I forget to mention alcohol.
Id like to meet all the "Ice Princess"s out there so I can know not to talk to them....they just f*ck with your mind. The guy who invented the post it is a god....who needs email when u can leave stupid messages all over the place at work. Id also like to meet to those people who make inventions that help us be lazier under the guise of helping mankind and being innovative.
Bach, Slayer, Dream Theater, Guns N Roses, Ashley Simpson (cuz she can really sing lmao), Heniphur Lopes (cuz thats how ur supposed to say Jennifer Lopez), AC/DC, Metallica, and pretty much anything thats fun to sing Karaoke to.
The notebook(seriously) j/k, Les Misérables, Spaceballs, Clerks, Office Space, Boondock Saints, Shawshank Redemption, Anchorman, The Big Lebowski, Shaun of the Dead, Pulp Fiction, Citizen Kane, and those other movies I got for free from Best Buy.
the news, Discovery Channel, House, History Channel, most of cartoon network, and that one show with the sarcastic dude thats funny.
Count of Monte Cristo, constitutional law, various stuff on legal jargon.
Chief Justice John Marshall, Chuck Norris, the dude that invented the post it, Duff Man, Joe Camel, Pantera, and Jesus Christ.