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About Me

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I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!

sweetest of all the fruit of love that withers on the vine emanating in it's decay the virtuous purity that lies within a lovers hand emulating in it's finality the compassion of a woman and the passions of a man only to fall upon the ground where it's death is forgotten lost forever circumscribed by the leaves that like love were unable to cling onto the sustanance of life

talking heads

Talking Heads-Psycho Killer- Live!

Technicolor Eyes

Bright Eyes- "Poison Oak"

My Interests

everything beautiful, especially long walks in the summer rain, the feeling of the dew covered earth below my bare feet, the brilliance of an ice covered branch on a winter morning, that perfect autumn sunset the transforms the sky into a magnificent purple and blue collaboration, basically anything that stops you in your tracks and makes you realise how blessed we are for this thing called life.

portishead - undenied

Radiohead - High & Dry

I'd like to meet:

anyone with something intriguing to say, anyone who seeks beauty and purity in life, especially those who strive to raise up those around them through compassion and acceptance. It would have been great to go hiking with Neal Cassidy, I'm sure it would have solidified my views on life.

Damien Rice Cannonball Live


everything good,but above all the grateful dead. also, the allman brothers, rusted root, damien rice, kings of leon, david grisman, the doors, bright eyes, spill canvas, johnny cash, dean martin, frank sinatra, bob dylan, bob marley, blind melon, ben harper, chili peppers, robert johnson, woody guthrie,violent femmes, albinoni, dan tyminsky, miles davis, john coltrane, straight on red, beatles,

Damien Rice - Cannonball (Exclusive Studio Performance)


bertolucci, burton, kubrick, anything that conveys passion about life, goonies, labrynth, legend,( a few guilty pleasures),steppenwolf,singing in the rain,resorvoir dogs,fear and loathing, and many, many more


live at Austin city limits, History or discovery channel,Sopranos, Nip Tuck,


kerouak, corso, ferlinghetti, some ginsberg, rimbaud, beaudelaire, verlaine, whitman, hesse, The First Third by Neal Cassidy, anything new that will inspire and move me.

Liz Phair "Jealousy"


any one who stays true to themselves in the face of adversity, my grandmother louise(a true saint)


My Blog

childish ...
Posted by braden on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:11:00 PST

rat within the grain ...
Posted by braden on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:08:00 PST

shadowed demeanors

The eyes of the creator         are never shroudedbe it the blazing radiance        &nbs p;     ...
Posted by braden on Fri, 16 May 2008 08:00:00 PST

dispelling the myths

It's true. Hero's have their weakness, and clown's occasionally cry. It just that it is a disadvantage for them to let the world see. So they face each day with apprehension, afraid that even the slig...
Posted by braden on Fri, 16 May 2008 07:54:00 PST


I am confused, to an extent, on how people can take a confession of purity and misconstrue it as impropriety. Have we truly reached a state where acts of beauty are so uncommon that when shown to the ...
Posted by braden on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 12:34:00 PST

immersed in her gaze

I await the day       when Beauty                in a single act of purityaccepts my hand  ...
Posted by braden on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:28:00 PST

What will you say tonight....

What will you say tonight, forsaken soul,how will you speak, my long since withered heart,to her, the lovliest and most belovedwhose sudden grace has made you green again?-Singing her praises will be ...
Posted by braden on Wed, 12 Mar 2008 07:05:00 PST

Land of oppurtunity

Inaudible, the truths            hidden deep within   the darkest recesses of          the current realit...
Posted by braden on Sun, 17 Feb 2008 08:12:00 PST


..> ..> did you see      the poppy seed princess                       as s...
Posted by braden on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:45:00 PST


return         my child to your        inebriated quarters and become immersed in the placid dreams      &nbs...
Posted by braden on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 10:41:00 PST