- ME -
I aM PeAcE~Amen
When you Win or Loose - No Pasa nada / Nothing happens.
I aM ThE cReAtOr~Ausar
I create life, I create change, I create peace.
I aM wIsDoM~Tehuti
Wisdom to know the things that I can control and the things that I can't so long as peace is present I will be wise.
I aM dIvInE~Seker
I was made in the likeness of a creator's divinity so that I may experience the world, with peace.
I aM eVeRyThInG~Maat
I am one with all from the smallest molecule th the largest mountain. I am of this world and I bring balance with peace.
I aM a WaRrIoR~Herukhuti
I fight for the divinity of rightousness to be present in all things so that I can restore peace.
I aM wIlL~Heru
I choose therefore I will. I will to choose the the greater things that devoid pleasure or pain only peace.
I iMaGiNe~Hetheru
I imagine myself one with all and at peace. Thoughts are things, imagination is the vehicle that carries thoughts to tangible objects.
I tHiNk~Sebek
I think therefore I am, If I thinkpeace I will be peace
I dReAm~Auset
I experience and listen to my dreams and use them as a mirror of my conditioning to acquire peace.
I fEeL~Geb
I am a person of flesh with a spirit that is self, I feel and I am devoid of feelings for if I can't be at peace with the very thing that makes me feel then that thing is not worth having.
PeAcE - HeTeP Pu - PaZ