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The names Kelci.
I'm 16 and a Junior
I have curly hair and braces.
I bore extremely easily, and i doodle alot.
I'm really defensive of people i love
I dont like music that sucks ("Alternative" crap, Heavy metal, Techno)
My life is pretty amazing
The end.
If you make me laugh, you've already won me over.
Jacob <3
Jacob is amazing. We've been dating nearly a year (November 8, 2008) and it has been a wonderful year. He's an incredible guy and boyfriend. He's my best friend, and I trust him more than anyone. I'm very lucky. <33
I have known Jasmine since i was 5. Over 11 years. She moved to Georgia, so i rarely see her but we are still Besties and i love her. shes so funny and amazing.
I've known lorin since i was 7, and we used to do EVERYTHING together. I have so many great memories with her. Shes changed so much, and i havent seen her ion years but shes still a friend
Girl! I met her in 8th grade, and we've been super good friends ever since. Shes so crazy, but we are so much alike and theres never a dull moment with her. Shes awesome
I met Ashlyn earlier this year and shes awesome. We have alot in common, and so much to talk about. Shes awesome and shes super fun to be around. Hilarious.
Ariel is probably the cousin who im closest with, Shes years younger than me, and i dont see her as often as i'd like but shes awesome. I love her <3
Another cousin of mine, who I'm extremely proud to be related to. He was killed serving this country. Rest In Peace, Llythaniel.

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