Firefighters Kids Camp
A Path to RecoveryWANTED: Men and women willing to donate a week of their hard-earned vacation every year. Time to be spent without spouses or families. Must be willing to submit to interview, background check, and fingerprinting. Cound involve months of meetings, planning, and behind-the-scenes work. Living conditions at camp-rustic. Pay-none. Time-none. Benefits-incalculable.Who would answer such an ad-the dozens and dozens of volunteers who make up the team that put on Firefighters Kids Camp for young burn survivors every year. All participate without compensation of any kind. They arrive with boundless energy and leave a week later exhausted, grinning, and enthusiastically talking about next year's camp.Ask them why they do it and you'll get answers as varied as the volunteers. But a basic theme runs through all of their replies. " It feels good to know that what I do makes a difference in a child's life. Of course, it's a whole lot of fun, too!"There would be no Firefighters Kids Camp without these incredible, giving people. Heartfelt thanks and appreciation goes to those who make this camp experience possible for dozens of deserving children. It is their selflessness and dedication that helps these young burn survivors along the path to recovery.FIREFIGHTERS CAMP HELPS GIVE LITTLEST BURN SURVIVORS A SENCE OF NORMALCY
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