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Myspace BackgroundsIm Horse Crazy!!! I love horses 2 bits, my life revolves around them. I live on a 92 acre farm and breed Australian Miniature Ponies. lol. bit embarrasing really. they so small. I dont own a riding horse atm coz my latest 1 died of colic :( he was an waesome horse. so now I am training my neighbours horse, he a real little shit sumtimes. lol. I been training him for a year and he has really changed. I love rodeos and want to barrell race, just have 2 teach smokey how 2 do it, once I learn myself. lol. I also love farming, we have a few beef cattle on the farm, and a tree plantation. I usually stay home of a weekend and go riding or work on the farm. My all time fav car is a hilux. i love em, they are so awesome!!!! and I love whiskey and coke. yum. Spotlighting is really fun. we go spotlighting on the farm all the time, getting rid of all those bloody wallabies who keep eating our grass. Im usually the 1 driving the ute with the shooters on the back, wanna learn how 2 gut and skin the wallabies, used to think it was gross. but not anymore. lol. umm..... think im running out of stuff 2 say.... well I will go back to the horses 4 a while then....... we have about 7 mini ponies atm, mum selling a heap of them :( im keeping mine tho, her name is comet, (stud name is Hayleys Comet) lol, she a real dag. lol. her nickname is boom boom coz she always so fat. lol. atm we have 2 stallions (1 was imported from texas!, he is comets sire. I used to show the ponies but got more into riding so didnt have any time. well i think thats all I can think of for now. lol.
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