Well... you wanna know about me? O my name is Willow. I live in Sunndydale, California. For a while it was only me and Xander. He's was my world for a little while. My life didn't really start until I started high school, where I met my best friend Buffy. She invited me to an unknown world of uncertainty and unpredictability. O god yes. The library was our home away from home for those four years of hell (mouth). Well everyone was paired off... Xander was with Cordelia, Buffy was with Angel, Giles was with Jenny. I was the only one who didn't have a love... until I met Oz. Ah... Oz. He's special. Well I guess we all are but he's really special. O about 3 days out of the month he's goes all Jerry Garcia, but only during the night. Which saves teh days for some cuddly time for me and him. Then he left. So I found Tara. Tara was a darling g/f. Yes I said g/f. She was my world until she was shot and killed by Warren. But I turned him inside out. I went to the dark side. It wasn't fun. I was dark haired, veiny willow who tried to destroy the world. It really wasn't fun. You can thank Xander for saving me from destroying El Mundo. Yay for the yellow crayon. After Tara came the slayer *cough cough* I mean Kennedy. She was a spoiled pill but she was my spoiled pill. After we savedt he world i left her. For a while I was single. AND Oz came back. He came back from Rome to be with me. So that's me in a very bif nutshell.
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.. You scored as Willow Rosenberg. You are a very smart individual. Though, like everyone else, you've made mistakes. You've changed over the last few years, so have a lot of things in your life, but you've got great friends who love you and are there for you through anything.
Willow Rosenberg
Tara Maclay
Buffy Summers
Rupert Giles
Xander Harris
Dawn Summers
Which Buffy The Vampire Slayer Character Are You Most Like!?
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