Timo Ehrler profile picture

Timo Ehrler

About Me

Born 1981 in Cologne, Germany, he started to play the drums at the age of 6. In 1997 he came in first in „Jugend musiziert“. After graduating from high school in 2000 he spend one and a half year in the German Army. After the basic training he was moved to the concert music corps and played over 150 concerts all over Germany. During that time he gained further knowledge in the workshops of Adam Nussbaum, Steve Smith, Wolfgang Haffner, John Hollenbeck, Dave Weckl, Chester Thompson and Horacio Hernandez. In 2002 he began his studies at the music academy in Cologne in classical percussion with Prof. Carlos Tarcha (Sao Paulo, Brazil). Since 2000 he played with symphony orchestras, like the "Landesjugendkammerorchester NRW", opera productions, percussion ensembles, jazz-, big-, funk- and rockbands in France, Italy, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Czech Republic, Croatia, Bosnia, Sweden and Spain; performed with Artists as Michael Küttner; Andy Haderer, Heiner Wiberny, Ludwig Nuss (WDR-Bigband); Karl Frierson; Alfonso Garrido, Worthy Davis (Heavytones) etc. Furthermore he worked for Radio- and TV-Productions. Since 2004 he's studying drums in the jazz department with Prof. Keith Copeland (New York, USA) and Prof. Michael Küttner. Since May 2007 Timo and his Trio is promoted by the "Yehudi Menuhin Foundation" as the very first jazz ensemble in the program. May 2008: with a german brass orchestra (OVH) he wins at an international competition in France (Confederation musicale de France - Concours de Prestige) 2009: he becomes member of the german newcomer band "glasgarten", which is produced by Hague Schmitz...Sen Baskasin (Du bist anders)

My Interests


Member Since: 27/02/2007
Band Website: www.kentcoda.com
Band Members: Bands I play with: ____________________________________________ Timo Ehrler Trio (contemporary & mainstream jazz):Jens Böckamp (sax/cl), Alex Morsey (bass, tuba), Timo Ehrler (drums, percussion, composition) Feat.: Riaz Khabirpour (guitar/comp) ____________________________________________Maxime Bender / Timo Ehrler Quartett (modern jazz):Maxime Bender (sax), Nils Tegen (piano), Markus Braun (bass), Timo Ehrler (drums)____________________________________________Kent Coda (indie):Ögünc Kardelen (lead vocal, guitar, loop station), Christoph Guschlbauer (e-bass, backings), Timo Ehrler (drums, percussion, backings)_____________________________________________Nikola s Schriefer Trio (modern jazz):Niko Schriefer (piano, comp), Felix Hoffmann (e-bass/double bass), Timo Ehrler (drums)_____________________________________________Christia n Lorenzen Trio (modern jazz):Christian Lorenzen (piano, comp), David Andres (bass), Timo Ehrler (drums)_____________________________________________Electric Power Trio (free/experimental):Sebastian Müller (git./loops/FX), Reza Askari (bass/FX), Timo Ehrler (drums/loops)_____________________________________________Gl asgarten (gothic-pop-rock)Liah (vocal), Paddy (keys) _____________________________________________Gustavo Bugni Trio (brasilian jazz)Gustavo Bugni (piano/composition), André Cayres (bass), Timo Ehrler (drums) _____________________________________________Tap Act - the rhythm factorywith Renis Mendoza (perc.), Maxime Zettel (perc.), Chris Fehre (perc.), Bernhard Selbach (perc.), Marcel Mader (perc.), Dominique Brooks-Draw (dancer) and many other...
Influences: My family and closest friends, currently Michael Küttner, Herbie Hancock, Tony Williams, Bill Stewart, Brian Blade, Jack De Johnette, Keith Jarrett, John Scofield, Peter Erskine, Miles Davis, Glenn Gould, Kölsch, Tower of Power, Jochen Rückert, William Kennedy, Jeff Tain Watts, Helge Schneider, Stockhausen, Berliner Philharmoniker, Red hot chilli Peppers and hopefully everything else I love...
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

ULTRASONE - Headphone Endorsement

Liebe Musikerkollegen,seit neuestem werde ich von der Firma ULTRASONE unterstützt, die mir einen unfassbaren Kopfhörer zur Verfügung stellt. Diesen Werbeblock schalte ich aus Dankbarkeit und Eigeninit...
Posted by on Mon, 14 Sep 2009 04:11:00 GMT