Illustration, music, photography, art, i think it's hard to summarise your interests in a tiny box, i find alot of stuff interesting, complexity isn't something that should be disgarded. I like reading, i really like films, i really really like toys (especially toytokyo, pete fowler and tim biskup ones)
Naughty people.
I like all sort's. Music so fast it'll make your head fuzz and music so slow that you'll revert to a child like state and piss yourself. Music will sort out any problem... im not saying it'll cure cancer or rebuild your house after a fire but it's got healing power.. like calpol.===at the moment===
trapdoor fucking exit
the smiths
deaf center
these arms are snakes
robot has werewolf hand
Circle takes the square
Old man gloom
Power and the glory
Amanda Woodward
Bucket full of teeth
I cant be arsed to fill this out, i've done it before and once i get going i could be sat here all night. I like Tarentino films(who the fuck doesnt, they're flawless) I like pretty much anything with Steve Buscemi, Thora Birch, Ray Winston... and... im sorry.... leonardo dicapri. Oh fuck off he's ace in whats eating gilbert grape!!
I've been watching more now my student loan is well and truely rinsed, it's not so bad. Heroes has taken over my life abit though, which isn't so cool. I like Peep show, brass eye, spaced, ugly betty, eastenders, documentaries(especially about the sea and/or it's inhabitants) ummmm i think thats all i watch... oh i like the body shock series.
Charles Bukowski, Haruki Murakami, Roddy Doyle, Natsuo Kirino, Arthur Golden, Richard Dawkins.
Enid Coleslaw haha