We are us, and we are your future. Born in 19191 in the small city, called City (in Turkmenistan). This dual collective rejects the contemplative length of life. From the ashes of the past, will emerge a new musical microwave.
-Message to myself: Hi darling you see we have already a good domination on 34 friends!!! Tu veux pas mettre la piste manquante hard techno aigu.. sur le 1er morceau si tu te fais chier?? merci amour.
-Hi beauty, you are the "FriendMaker", the "ContactMaster". That's why I love you so much. Je fais ca des que j'ai le temps; et je crois que je vais reenregistrer la drum sur Le Camer qui en a une tres longue.
-darling, Don't foule yourself to record it again, even fred the master of droums loves it!!
Message to everybody: We are a duet, and we play live in direct. I'll proove it to you by adding a video of our art.
(my sweet honey, i'm looking forward to watch this video, since we still haven't filmed it or a mon insu?)
-Would you public be patient, we're sorry for the non-expansion of this page, but the duet is recording his new single in tokyo for now.div