Eo7 Demos profile picture

Eo7 Demos

About Me

Eo7 - the Demos, is exactly that, a page to showcase demo versions of Edges of Seven songs. The songs on this page were recorded by Eo7 singer/founder Robert Takacs before the full band was put together. Some of the material dates back to 2000, and because they are all demo versions, some tunes might sound kind of rough. Not all the music here is part of Eo7's current repotiore, some songs may never be recorded by the band, some songs may be, but not in the immediate future. This page is just a little side project to share music that is part of Eo7's foundations, we hope you enjoy it!

My Interests


Member Since: 27/02/2007
Band Website: http://www.edgesofseven.com
Record Label: Unsigned

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