My wife and I have three daughters. Which is our gift to the world.
I diddle with tunes. Which is my gift to me. And you, if you like them.
Lately, I've been making tracks solo, using found loops and free editing software. Totally addictive, massively fun. Is it possible to make real music this way? Can art be achieved? I think of Andy Warhol and Campbell's soup cans and pastiches of Coke bottles and giant Brillo pad boxes and silver balloons and long, long movies of people sleeping and eating. I remember how, after leaving his exhibition in Montreal last year, I looked at things on the street - the pasted-up ads, the storefronts, the phone booths, the fire hydrants, the people and all the other detritus of civilization - through a different lens. If I can give you some different lenses here, then I've done something worth doing.
Then there are the songs Lisagaye Tomlinson - Florida singer from Jamaica - and I have made. There's a couple here, and more at Thanks for listening.