Look. Listen. Choose. ACT.
NiCHe, the power of Prayer, MAKEMAN MIHAMA!!! Photographs, cash, credit card, car, cell phone, computer. Macbook Pro, iPod. House Music White sheets, white blankies, Neat, smells so good, great people, metrosexuals. Sunsets, new year's sunrise, Maya Angelou, Jill Scott, Goapele, coronas, green apples, The NiCHE Martinis, Hpnotiq, alize, riesling, eiswein, frozen margaritas, silvers, hurricane, playing pool, and occasional Sam Adams, Corona, and Bud lights. Cuddling, big bed, kissing, more and more kissing. Teasing guys, making guys cry, giving a made-up number to a guy or giving my ex's number to a guy to piss off. The Body Shop, Shiseido, and Shiseido only. Yoga...YOGA?!?! Feng Shui, Feng Shui-ing my room, going to church with my whole family, spending blockbuster nights with Mom and my brother, buggin' my Obachan, Maxing out Mom's money, (like I ever get a chance LoL!) dining with my closest friends and talking about the "wonderful life." Napping, winky-winky in the afternoons, giving myself a nervous breakdown before midterms and finals, worrying about law school. www.mango.es, photography, poetry, abstract arts, Andy Warhol modern decor. Scuba diving, snorkling, clown fish. History, political science, appetizers. The Japanese world and etiquette, the Filipino values. Candles, white roses, white tulips, the sound of the rain during afternoon naps, the sound of rain during afternoon winky-winkies, the color blue, white, yellow, red, black, silver, orange. Fruits, veggies... Okinawa, Tokyo, Osaka, Kyoto, Nara, Kobe, Fukuoka, Nagasaki, Kumamoto, Oita, Saga, Chiba, San Francisco, Manila, Hong Kong, Honolulu, Las Vegas, San Diego, and Los Angeles.
A visionary, original with great integrity, carries a clear point of view. A driven, ambitious, optimist...unafraid to take risks, and who appreciate finer things in life, and that someone I can learn a lot of things from...and of course... that someone I won't stop kissing =)
"No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power."
--P.J. O'Rourke
My Mommy .
--Mr. Payne =)