Lovesss cheesburgerrrs!
isan't afraid of anything but YOU.
always falls in love..but can never get back up
Loves to go to the Moviies!
parrks are the best
Lovees penguins more than you!
Pink&&black are her colors soo back off,,,yea YOU!
she lovves romance and movieees and wishes they happen to her!
Armor for sleep is her fav band
boyys are soo overrated..but she still loves em
Friends are everything...hanging with friends is the absolout best
Movie thetre bathrooms are the best!
bracelets are the shit
the hellhole doesn't scare her..but jimmy does..
don't ask for her number because she will give you a fake one and keep walking!
hanging out at mickey D's is always a good time/ streetfaiiirs are the shit..yea uh huh thats right.
she is Michelle,her biggets fan...and her worrst enemy Love her Hate her AIM her- MissXdeatwish99 ♥ The end♥
me&&sexxy nikky
Michelle&&Krissy at new years Brandon is an awsome Big Bro Brandon,jesse,gorgie aren't they the hottestDylan is so hot♥ Brandon&&Abraham=P.I.M.P krissy is the bestt&the prettiest love ya krisssyMe&&brandon&&and weird derrick Me&&Nikky :] I ♥ My BFF Nikkky Yea U Huh..I know??!!?? We are soo awsommme! Eddy&&Nikky and awsome Jesus in the Backround Eddy&&Sam The [real] loserface Whatt! How does she do it???♥ "The Old Days" Southern boy with a [pink rose]?? you hadda be there :] Eddy&&Damon Nicole&&Gorgie//the cutest couple ever♥ April&&Brandon the hottest couple ever♥[with dillion in the backround] StreetFaiiir F U N
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !
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