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I am here for Serious Relationships

About Me

Popebaldhead is a wildman-insanerous, based in Philadelphia, PA. It is speculated that Popebaldhead is a metamorphisis of early 90's rapper and slang-banger, Antoin Ice. After unceremoniously dropping the words "da" and "man" from the original "Antoin da Ice Man," Antoin Ice decided to retire his last name for the benefit of studio gangsters everywhere. Legend suggests that the still comely and youthful Antoin grew discouraged with his surnameless anonymity, and so shaved off his 33" flat-top whilst undergoing a megaload ritualistic spiritual conversion. It is unclear whether beautiful funky Delilah-style biddies were involved, but when Antoin awoke from his decade long trance, it was revealed that his head was bald and radiant. The rays from his bald head were rumored to inspire and sedate at the same time, and numbers of people began witnessing to religious cosmic conversion via sinewave dopage. Hence, Antoin began to be known in these love-opiated circles as "Pope."
Redacted Factoids:
* It is curious to note that in Rastafarian culture, the term "baldhead" very often refers to a honky-like individual, who does not ascribe to the belief that Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie I) is God/Jah incarnate, and who thus refuses to wear dreadlocks (and/or who goes into a salon to have dreadlocks crafted/processed in order to look extra sensitive/spiritual for their Rolling/Stone layout).
* The Pope in Rome is considered a "baldhead," though he does have a shock of salt 'n pepa hair beneath him domepiece.
* "Popebaldhead" ryhmes with "biddy-trainer-supremental" in several languages.
* The devil have been claimed as a number one bald head, but if him horns is made from like that of a rhino, really he just has a like crusty hairmash on his head. PBH's horn, however, is made of meat. Good meat.
* Popebaldhead is a former uninvited guest editor for the Family Circus. The following are ultra rare bootlegs:

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I seek to impress young ladies and shatter the tender ego that is post-adolescent male youth, wif Slam Bangin Arrangements like Wealthy South East Asian Marriages. (Which be) Dope, like in the hidden compartments of border crossing carriages. (An' in case you don't know, I shall be) Bidge-slappin' faces of those that disparages...

I man the bredren to give you soulful education.

My Blog

Meat my Jones weekly

summoning my creative energiesI unleash slappin upon your cheeksinheriting my meet meeklywith that look in your eye so sweetlybeggin that jones like brigits diary uniquelyon bended knees pleading meto...
Posted by on Wed, 06 May 2009 02:00:00 GMT

Granma’s Quilt 4 Endo

{Let us not forget those credits - see below}We rip up da foundation and tear down ctiy hallzn steal yo fuckin radio out yo muthafukin carburn yo foto ablums cause I'ma fuckin starpawn yo silvawear n ...
Posted by on Fri, 16 May 2008 01:11:00 GMT

From Under My Poncho - Transmission from South America

Hello Dear Friends,There is a new song on the Popebaldhead Meets MC Fabulous Playground page. It is the first one: "From Under My Poncho." This is a Dirty Sanchez song...
Posted by on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 13:34:00 GMT

The Labor of My Fruits

All up in my santa suitbe stank in my drahwsand bottles in bootsmake all kinds of promises cause da bidges so cutebut I shant deliver this year - I ain't distribute the lootbecause I just don't give a...
Posted by on Thu, 03 Jan 2008 14:18:00 GMT

Dong Draggin: A Plug

Korean news on PBSI ain't understand the words and I want to see dey bressyes but however these anchors all dressedunlike I-man who is freely unrepressedfrequently runnin around outside with my dong d...
Posted by on Tue, 09 Oct 2007 15:48:00 GMT

My Saturated PP - org. MFGs

9/24/1999Fablas :Ma foty bref blass flagrant wissout fadinblatant as a rainbow flagbutt-bref mek quite dah statementnaugh naugh I aint gittin weird or nuttinwid da wrong placementI'm jes sayindat ma m...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Aug 2007 23:22:00 GMT

Do the Pope Shit in the Woods?

Party time like free lovin' in the 70'swhite socialites pullin betty's off the streetsstickin them in tubs full of dry chablispayin 'em off in coke an an all kinds of speedspubes growin like weedsand ...
Posted by on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 13:23:00 GMT

Steam out Raunchy Pants stream of consciousness

Wif so much difficulty of recollectionI is makin progress in my introspectivepredilections toward mexican restarauntspicante inflectionswish chips on my sideseltzer water in a bottleI man likes the le...
Posted by on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 14:03:00 GMT

I Back

I BadRapmasters, Funklords and the lowliest Weinersbe checkin' my shit, copying my demeanorstrying to lean on me when they not strongbut I is no free and I is no teamsterI bring up the funk and slap a...
Posted by on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:12:00 GMT

Administrative Professionals Day

Popebaldhead's secretaries be outta controlallas on holidazes thinkin bout my soul poleResulting in contagions bred up deep in the soulassumin I is read up on reaping shit fo my hoesI cain't do this.....
Posted by on Thu, 03 May 2007 12:35:00 GMT