Popebaldhead is a wildman-insanerous, based in Philadelphia, PA. It is speculated that Popebaldhead is a metamorphisis of early 90's rapper and slang-banger, Antoin Ice. After unceremoniously dropping the words "da" and "man" from the original "Antoin da Ice Man," Antoin Ice decided to retire his last name for the benefit of studio gangsters everywhere. Legend suggests that the still comely and youthful Antoin grew discouraged with his surnameless anonymity, and so shaved off his 33" flat-top whilst undergoing a megaload ritualistic spiritual conversion. It is unclear whether beautiful funky Delilah-style biddies were involved, but when Antoin awoke from his decade long trance, it was revealed that his head was bald and radiant. The rays from his bald head were rumored to inspire and sedate at the same time, and numbers of people began witnessing to religious cosmic conversion via sinewave dopage. Hence, Antoin began to be known in these love-opiated circles as "Pope."
Redacted Factoids:
* It is curious to note that in Rastafarian culture, the term "baldhead" very often refers to a honky-like individual, who does not ascribe to the belief that Ras Tafari (Haile Selassie I) is God/Jah incarnate, and who thus refuses to wear dreadlocks (and/or who goes into a salon to have dreadlocks crafted/processed in order to look extra sensitive/spiritual for their Rolling/Stone layout).
* The Pope in Rome is considered a "baldhead," though he does have a shock of salt 'n pepa hair beneath him domepiece.
* "Popebaldhead" ryhmes with "biddy-trainer-supremental" in several languages.
* The devil have been claimed as a number one bald head, but if him horns is made from like that of a rhino, really he just has a like crusty hairmash on his head. PBH's horn, however, is made of meat. Good meat.
* Popebaldhead is a former uninvited guest editor for the Family Circus. The following are ultra rare bootlegs: