TAKING PICTURES!!!! aNd daNciNg, vollEyball, softball, REadiNg, gRowiNg iN My faith, buggiNg AMbER, speNdiNg MoNEy I doN't havE oN food haha, fRieNds aNd faMily of couRse, bEiNg thERE foR fRiENds who NEEd ME, MENtoRiNg kids, hElpiNg othERs
JEsus, thE littlE giRl my faMily is spoNsoRiNg iN AfRica...
aNythiNg with a bEat! BUT NOT haRd coRE rappiNg aNd aNythiNg with the N-woRd iN it that's disREspEct pEoplE- no joke. But bEsidEs that I aM up foR aNythiNg!
FrEEdoM WRitERs (if you havEN't sEEN it go, BlockbustER, NOW), PuRsuit of HappyNEss, REigN OvER ME, RENt, StEp Up, DEja Vu, BEcausE I Said So, TwistER, StoMp thE YaRd, SavE thE Last DancE, REMEMbER thE TitaNs, JohN Q, Cool RuNNiNgs, VolcaNo, FRiday Night Lights, Radio... ANythiNG with DENzEl WashiNgtoN hE is My favoRitE aNd My Daddy looks likE hiM haha
CSI (Las VEgas ONLY), boNEs, HousE, Law aNd oRdER, 24, aMericaN idol, So you thiNk you caN daNce
thE BiblE, FrEEdoM WRitERs DiaRiEs, aNythiNg by JaMEs PattERsoN, DoMiNioN aNd DEadliNE, thE ColoR PuRplE
My LoRd And SavioR Jesus ChRist who was williNg to makE thE ulitMatE coMMitMeNT aNd sacRificE foR a pERsoN likE ME I aM blEssEd iNdEEd