This page was set for the men and women who work their ass off to support this country and the rights it was built on. It IS NOT meant to display political views. I don't care if you like our President or believe in this war. It is ONLY meant to let those who serve us know that there are people out there who still stand behind them and all they do. We incourage you to leave supportive comments, thank yous, and shout outs to those people you know in the military. Anyone who leaves unsupportive messages WILL be deleted and so will your comments, or else my military wife and friends will be sending you a long drawn out explicit letter so do not send that dumb crap. We DO NOT CARE IF YOU DO NOT SUPPORT ANYTHING OR ANYONE!!!!! THIS PAGE IS FOR THE PATRIOTIC, FLAG FLYING, SUPPORTING AMERICANS WHO LOVE THIS COUNTRY AND EVERYTHING IT STANDS FOR. If you do not like it, do me a favor and skip this page. Thanks for your help in showing our troops what they are fighting for! GOD BLESS AMERICA!