1.) A woman with a sense of humor is sexy. 2.) A woman with a patient virtue and has a grasp of wisdom or has logical sense in what she does is such a turn on. 3.) An intelligent woman, not a genius, really attracts me. 4.) A woman with a hot body, a face like a hollywood star, and an attitude so shitty that she feels like she's the master of the universe is NOT my ideal type.Throughout my past I have met all kinds of personalities, most I could relate, a few who needed deeper understanding, and very rarely a few who needs mental assistance. I try to love everyone even an enemy for I could break them and help them with kindness. I could be unconditional in helping others, and I try...really try my best to be open minded. The limits of my friendship is endless as long as it's mutual. Yet martyrdom in holding on to a doomed relationship is equivalent to stupidity. I'd rather be free.