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About Me

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DJ Rossi, Born And Bred in Essex. Started DJing at the age of 9."I used to go round a friends house. His Brother Had Decks and when he wasn't around we would go on them without him knowing. It Wasnt Until a few years later that I was round there with my friends brother on them constantly. It was at that point I decided to buy my own equipment. From Then I Have been playing on them day in, day out and I cannot get off them sometimes. Most DJ's start off because they love music and because they think its cool. After I tried It One Time, I Got Hooked. It became A need as opposed to something I wanted to do."My DJing life started with vinyl playing Old Skool Garage. When I Bought My Own equipment I turned to Drum N Bass. After a few years DJing Drum N Bass and taking a course in Music Production I Turned To All types of Music. I Find playing everything not only gives something for all but it opens up your mind and you find new things and new experiences. Nowadays I play predominantly House in Nightclubs but I also love everything such as 50's,60's,70's,80's, Dance Classics, Rock, Soul, Reggae, Drum N Bass, Old Skool Garage, Trance, Techno, Indie, Jazz, Disco.I am currently a resident DJ for Filthy Dirty Funkers

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

What I Play?My DJing life started with vinyl playing Old Skool Garage. When I Bought My Own equipment I turned to Drum N Bass. After a few years DJing Drum N Bass and taking a course in Music Production I Turned To All types of Music. I Find playing everything not only gives something for all but it opens up your mind and you find new things and new experiences. Nowadays I play predominantly House in Nightclubs but I also love everything such as 50's,60's,70's,80's, Dance Classics, Rock, Soul, Reggae, Drum N Bass, Old Skool Garage, Trance, Techno, Indie, Jazz, Disco. ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Where Do I/Have I Played ? ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------- MAIN NIGHTCLUBS/BARS PLAYED AT (FROM THE TOP OF MY HEAD) ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------- O2 ARENA, URBAN INC NIGHTCLUB, THE FRIDGE BRIXTON, DEPARTURE BAR LONDON, THE SELFRIDGES HOTEL LONDON, PACIFIC EDGE NIGHTCLUB ROMFORD, THE MARRIOT COUNTY HALL HOTEL LONDON, THE CLINK BAR, SE1, THE ROOM AT THE TOP LONDON, LEGENDS NIGHTCLUB LONDON, JUMPIN JACKS NIGHTCLUB BOURNEMOUTH, BIRMINGHAM, DUKES NIGHTCLUB CHELMSFORD, WEST ONE BRENTWOOD AND OTHERS ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------NIGHTCLUB DATES TO LOOK OUT FOR---MEDICINE BAR SHOREDITCH--19th Jan, BABALOU BAR, BRIXTON 25th Jan--- PURAVIDA WEEKENDER 31st Jan- 2Nd Feb, Osho Leela, Gillingham------- =========== PACHA NIGHT CLUB, LONDON, 14th MARCH---- DEPARTURE BAR- LAST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH=======,CARLING ACADEMY- LIVERPOOL- 5th JULY 2008======, IBIZA 2008 (UNCONFIRMED)----------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------Best DJ Quotes:Norman Cook- "A Good DJ is always looking at the crowd seeing what they're like seeing whether its working, communicating with them, smiling at them." ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------- Grooverider- "Being In A Nightclub feels to me like being at a church. Everyone comes to this gathering for the same thing. the same belief and emotions are high." ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------------------------------------------------FOR BOOKINGS OR A FREE MIX CD E-Mail [email protected].
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