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ScreamWriter 13

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About Me

Spectra the Kitty
Brian, 40, Single, Human, Male, Portland, Oregon, USA, Earth, Milkyway
I am a novice Artist & Writer and retired Chef.
I am open-minded, tolerant of diversity, kind-hearted, romantic, and very passionate. I am intelligent, though not a genius (Missed it by 2 points & wasted it on useless trivia). I am educated and I have studied Culinary Arts, Fine Arts and Graphic Arts.
Hospitality is my profession and also my lifestyle, I love to cook and entertain for friends. I have also worked as a graphic artist designing posters and advertisements for bands and drag shows as well as medical publications and gaming materials. I am creative and it is an important part of my personality, art and writing are my passions. I love to laugh, though my sense of humor is a bit odd and often cryptic. I enjoy British comedies and dark humor, but I do not care for lowbrow toilet humor, meanness or laughing at the misfortune of others. I love to read and I love to learn new things, not always particularly useful things but new things.
I have a life long passion for reading, particularly fantasy & science-fiction, but I have also read some horror & romance. My all time favorite author is Theodore Sturgeon. Most of my own writing is fantasy & sci-fi, as well as some dark fantasy & horror. I am currently working on a number of graphic novels. It is coming along, but slowly as I have difficulty focusing one and pushing the others aside, something of a character flaw I fear. I think I’m a nice guy, definitely not a creep or a cretin.
I am an armchair folklorist, I have been fascinated by folklore & mythology since I left catholic school as a child and discovered a world outside the forced perspective of bible study & empty ritual. I was immediately drawn to art & mythology and I later developed interests in anthropology, psychology, sociology & comparative religious studies.
Social stratification & gender roles in society are of particular interest to me, and I have thought seriously about becoming a gender counselor, but have way too much school to pay off as of yet.
I am interested in World cultures, subculture, and peer groups. Convergent and divergent evolution of culture, society, and religion. Comparative religions, and the misdirection of faith into constructs for personal gain. Stratification of society along racial, social, and gender constructs. Animal Rights, Human Rights, Women's Rights, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Intersex Rights, Affirmative Action. Humanity without stupidity, violence and personal gain getting in the way of everything important.
I am also interested in angels and fairies from various cultural backgrounds, metaphysics, parapsychology, cryptozoology, exobiology, otherworldly cultures, theories of non-human society and social psychology, lost civilizations, secret societies and speculative alien technologies. Character development and conceptual art.
Myspace Layouts - Fantasy Myspace Layouts
Myspace Codes - Myspace Generators - Myspace Backgrounds

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I am looking for friends and social contacts; Artists, Writers, Models, Costumers, Acrobats, Makeup Artists, Drag Queens, Dreamers, Seekers, Philosophers, Teachers, Shamans, Pagans, Wicca’s, Goths, Vampires, Shape shifters, Angels, Faeries and Enlightened Spirits one and all. I love to chat, but not always the first to start a conversation. Romantically, I am looking for my muse, supreme goddess of inspiration. I have been very disappointed so far; many pretenders and players and I have yet to find a real goddess of my own. Character is far more important to me than age, looks, or any particular type, she MUST HAVE A PERSONALITY, and it must be her own, not one borrowed from a friend or made up for the occasion (not going to waste another 4 years to find that out, thank you). I am not interested in Haters, Players, Spammers, Takers, Gold Diggers or generally negative people, been with enough of them already, THANK YOU.I will talk to almost anyone about nearly anything, but if you insist on arguing, please know what you are talking about and have a vocabulary broader than "is not. And if you know me from somewhere, please tell me where or what group, hard to keep track.

You are The Magician

Skill, wisdom, adaptation. Craft, cunning, depending on dignity.

Eleoquent and charismatic both verbally and in writing, you are clever, witty, inventive and persuasive.

The Magician is the male power of creation, creation by willpower and desire. In that ancient sense, it is the ability to make things so just by speaking them aloud. Reflecting this is the fact that the Magician is represented by Mercury. He represents the gift of tongues, a smooth talker, a salesman. Also clever with the slight of hand and a medicine man - either a real doctor or someone trying to sell you snake oil.

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Sex, Relationships, & Personality by lsu_girl85
Your Info
What is your full name?: Brian Larence
What is your birthday?: June 21
How old are you?: 40
What color hair do you have?: Brown
What color are your eyes?: Green
How tall are you?: 5'7
What kind of clothes do you wear?: Business Casual
Are you single?: Yup
How many serious relationships have you been in?: 2
Do you think you are jealous?: Nope
Have you ever cheated on someone?: Nope
Have you ever been cheated on?: Yup
How many times have you been in love?: Twice
Are you gay or straight?: Straight
Are you a virgin?: I wish, where's the reset
How many people have you had sex with?: 2
How old were you your first time?: 32
How many times do you have sex in a week?: Right now? 0
Have you ever done a threesome?: Nope
Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?: Nope
Ever done more than kissing with someone of the same sex?: Nope
What is the most interesting place you have ever had sex?: Backstage
What is your preferred method of contraception?: One's as good as another I guess
Opposite Sex Preferences
Do you have a preference on height?: Nope
What color hair do you like?: Redheads
What color eyes?: Green
What kind of clothes do you like on them?: Something that compliments her form, not hide it
What type of personality do you like?: Honest, sincire, their own
What is your favorite icecream flavor?: Vanilla
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?: Like to make them up as I go along, prefer rum
What is your favorite food?: Magic Chicken Sandwich (my own neffarious design)
What is your favorite sport?: Not really into sports, but can watch Women's bodybuilding, gymnastics or vollyball. Appreciate the grace and form
What is your favorite movie?: The Princess Bride
What is your favorite tv show?: Dark Angel
What is your favorite song?: Egypt, Dio cover by doro Pech
What is your favorite band?: Evanescence
Random Questions
What is the first thing you think when you wake up?: Mahem, Chaos, side of fries
Do you eat breakfast?: I excel at breakfast
Coke or Pepsi?: Neither
Sprite of 7up?: Sierra Mist
Are you a morning person?: Nope
What time do you go to bed?: When I get tired
Who was the last person you talked to?: Lyn
Who is your best friend?: Lyn, aka Ms. Fetiche
Who is the one person you hate most?: I don't hate, negativity has no place in my life
Do you smoke?: Only when I'm on fire, and I try to keep that to a minimum
Who did you go to senior prom with?: Didn't go, hospital
Do you ever wear dirty socks?: Nope
Do you shower every day?: Yup, twice if I can
What is the longest you've ever gone without a shower?: 3 days on a greyhound bus
Do you vote?: Yup
Have you ever snorted pixie stix?: Nope
Have you ever broken any bones?: Yup
Have you ever used someone else's toothbrush?: Yup
If you got in a wreck, would you piss yourself for the extra $5000?: Um, NO
Have you ever watched a porno in the company of someone of the same sex?: Nope
What do you do most when you're bored?: Write or Draw
Do you have any pets?: Cat named Spectra
Have you ever bitten your toenails?: Nope
Have you ever had sex or oral sex while driving?: Yup
Where do you shop most often for clothes?: Spartacus
Do you know how to make coffee?: Yup
Do you cook your own food?: Chef, DUH
Have you ever gone streaking?: Nope
Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: Nope
You're a super hero, what's your name?: The Author
What is your special power?: The ability to overwrite reality itself
What famous person do you look like?: Steven King
Do you like this survey?: it's ok
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30 Things You Might Not Know!! by ktwalter73
What are you listening to right now?: We're all going to Hell by The Bastard Fairies
What was the last thing you ate?: Magic Chicken Sandwich (speciality of my own nefarious design)
If you were a crayon what color would you be?: Black- in the spectrum of projected light, black is the composite of all color, ok, crayons are a manifestation of reflected rather than projected light, so it would probably be opposite
How is the weather right now?: Thunder and Lightning, very very frightrening
What color is your underwear right now?: Black
Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?: Julie (Friend from my other profile)
The first thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Eyes, everything is in the eyes or nothing is but always the eyes
Favorite type of food?: Tiramisu, pain in the arse to make and addictive as hello kitty
Do you drink?: Only when I'm thirsty
Ever got so drunk you dont remember?: Saddly, no, I remember every disgracefull detail and so does the policeman who's patrol car I decorated from one trafic lane over LOL
What color are your eyes?: Green or red if I have a migraine
Single?: Trust me, one of me is more than anyone could ever need or want LOL
Favorite month?: June, Prezzies ; )
Last movie you watched?: UltraViolet (Mila Fan)
Favorite day of the week?: Saturday (Hex on BBC America)
Are you too shy to ask someone out?: Tend to be a bit of a social butterfly, yes
Hugs or Kissess?: Hugs mostly, specially after seeing Clive Owen dispensing WAY too much tongue at the beginning of 'Bent'
Chocolate or Vanilla?: Hard call, chocolate mostly
What books are you reading?: Gender Theory, forget the author. What the bleep do we know!? (ok haven't started yet, but I will, swear, my cousin is one of the writers)
Piercings?: Not intentional, but for an accident prone person going itno the culinary field, it happens LOL
Favorite movie?: Earth Girls are Easy
Any pets?: Cat named Spectra
.. I try to, but I do miss quite often
Dogs or Cats?: Depends on what it's served with
Favorite flower?: Semolina, best for making pasta
Have you ever fired a gun?: When I was young, father's family were hunters, so not my thing, inflicting harm. Much prefer guilt and stigmatism
Do you like to travel by plane as opposed to car?: Prefer plane
Right handed or left handed?: Right, right?
How many pillows do you sleep with?: 2
Are you missing someone?: My father
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My Blog

Working on a prophecy for my V’ Ashanti series

 I am working on a piece of prophecy for my V' Ashanti series about a transgendered elf prophetess, this piece is not from her or about her, it is about someone further down the series, about two...
Posted by on Sun, 02 Nov 2008 10:16:00 GMT