~~ I dont know all of me yet, I never want to stop getting to know myself... But here's what I have learned so far:~~ I was born to work in music. Whether it be onstage, technical, set up, record company exec, music photography, or an employee in a hole in the wall shop somewhere in Italia, I was made to work in the world of music....~~ I love knowledge. I love to learn and I will never stop learning new things everyday. I hated high school, Because it didnt challenge me and it was too normal. I want to know things that dont matter to the majority of society, not just what they feel like teaching in general education programs.... ~~ I love culture. I love language. I love religions. I love new sights, new smells, new sounds, new tastes. I love life!...~~ I am learning the Italian language and am going to live in Milano after I graduate school. If things work out, then I will be there in a couple years living with one my very good friends!...~~ I have met the man of my dreams... sorry to all the other women who are missing out! He's more than I could have ever hoped for. I could love him in ocean side manor or a cardboard box under a bridge. I am just happy that I found what most never do! ~~ I love film almost as much as music.... ~~ I am a realist that love has ruined. I say that with gratitude. Now, I can look at something and appreciate the tragedy and the beauty of it. Before I would give thought only to the dark side of it all....~~ My greatest fear is one and the same: To love and be loved. Love can create and destroy....~~ I don't have an organized religion that I belong to. I do believe in God. I have my faith and my own beliefs. There are just too many questions unanswered by any church to put all my faith in one....~~ My friends are my family. However, I am a mystery to all of them. I am constantly going at 1,000,000 miles a minute and don't know how to slow myself down. My mind gets ahead of itself and I trip over my own ideas and thoughts. I have this irrational fear that they will all escape me if I dont grab them and throw them on paper as soon as they come to me....~~ I swear too much....~~ I work hard to play hard....~~ I'm up for anything....~~ I'm an adrenaline junkie, ive done all the other highs and im over it....~~ I drink, I'm not a drunk....~~ I don't pass quick judgement out loud, but my mind is normally made up quickly....~~ I have trust issues....~~ I hate rapists, spouse beaters, child molesters, and crooked officials ~ which means almost all officials...~~ I love food. I love to cook food. I love to eat food. And I would like to tell these anorexics to go eat a biscuit or something. FUCK!...~~~ COFFEE is the best thing in the world.
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