All my artwork and poetry and writings are copyrightedCURRENT MOON about the moon I have worked for 16 years as a spiritual and visionary artist and healer. It has been my privilege over these years to link many people with their spirit guides, past lives, twin rays, higher-selves and cosmic essences, through my drawings, paintings and sacred path journeying sessions. These portraits are always done and presented as tools for progression, enabling the individual to learn more about their spiritual path, as well as their gifts and abilities, for themselves.......................SPIRIT GUIDE PORTRAITS:....
These portraits are useful for anyone who wishes to know more about their spiritual path, their abilities and their present and future spiritual work. They enable you to develop a strong link with your guide in order to bring through wisdom, unconditional love and gentle guidance. Guides also teach us to be self reliant. a guide will always help us to understand the importance of accepting responsibility for our own decisions on our path. But at the same time, by having links with our friends from our spirit home we able to walk our Earthly path with the knowledge of their constant love and support and their gentle guidance. These portraits create a strong link to enable you to connect with your guide. Once we actually see the face of a beloved friend it becomes so easy, so beautiful, to connect and also makes it easier to begin visualisation during meditation. As with all my portraits, the eyes are the focus, they will assist you on your journey to discover and embrace your spirit guide. Our friends from the world of spirit are our loved ones, our soul mates, our guides. We are never alone, we never have to go through any despair, trauma or grief unaided. Listen to your heart...for it is there that you will hear the voice of spirit, the True Voice of Love and Light. THESE GUIDE PORTRAITS ARE DONE IN PENCIL AND COME WITH A READING. They also can be done in coloured pastels or watercolour if requested. ............................................PAST LIFE PORTRAITS: These portraits are done in order to access a particular past life, or, through focusing on a particular issue, a previous lifetime, or lifetimes, can be accessed in order to bring understanding to blockages or issues and so release them. These are excellent tools for those working on a spiritual path who wish to have a deeper understanding about the soul that they are and the path the walk. These portraits are done in pencil, or pastels if requested.
These are a totally unique set of drawings that I have been doing and developing for 8 years now. I chose the name 'essence' because it captures the distillation of spirit, reaching into the core of the multidimensional beings that we are. They contain within their colour and shapes all the information that we need in that particular part of our path. The eyes are a special aspect of my portraits, one can work on an 'eye to eye' or 'I to I' with the portrait. Many have done this and traveled through the eyes on a journey of discovery, others have received communication through them, in visions and symbols......ALL THESE PORTRAITS ARE DONE ON A3 QUALITY PAPER IN SOFT FULL COLOUR PASTELS.......................THE STAR ESSENCE:..........
These unusual portraits reveal the cosmic-self, the star being, which is merged with the physical in this incarnation. We are all multi-faceted, multi-dimensional beings and this is depicted and explored in the portrait. It will reveal the cosmic essence that you have brought in with you in order to facilitate the optimum use of your gifts for the benefit of mankind. They embody Universal energies that transcend the mundane, they are an expression of the infinite working and existing through the finite. In the reading I also explore your particular star links and their relevance, past lives and your star name..................THE PROSPERITY ESSENCE:.....
Prosperity is not solely about wealth, or money, although that is one of the ways in which we manifest it. It is about our 'personal' prosperity, the abundance that is found in our loving relationships, in our interaction with nature, with animals, with the moon and the stars, the wind, rain, the elements...all the kingdoms on this beautiful abundant planet....and it is about how we attract or repel abundance and why. These portraits assist us in discovering the keys to our personal abundance, revealing any blockages and issues we might have so that we can gently understand them and let them go. We, as humans, have a birthright of abundance, but through many lifetimes and many experiences we lose our hold on it and our joy is one of the root energies behind abundance. The portraits come with a reading and a key word to your prosperity...............THE SYNERGY ESSENCE:..........
This portrait is a very valuable tool for group work. By group I mean 2 people or more! so this is wonderful for a couple, or family, a group such as a meditation group...right up to a large society, even a nation!. I tune into the synergy of the group and then translate it into colour and shape in the form of the portrait. I then do a reading from the picture to give you the initial tools needed for the progression of the group.........THE TWIN ESSENCE:
There is much spoken about the 'twin', usually it is referred to as the 'twin soul/flame' or 'soul mate'. This is but one aspect of it. Once a 'twin essence' is requested I tune into those energies in order to bring them into the portrait. The essence I bring to you is the key to your wholeness, your completion, the part of 'you' that has been missing since you first emerged as spirit on the out- breath of God. The portrait enables you to work towards the integration of this essence and achieve that wholeness once again as we move now towards the in-breath of God. This is an amazing spiritual tool!.....PLEASE NOTE: this portrait does not necessarily predict the man or woman you wish to meet as your 'soul-mate'..... This 'twin' exists within the very high dimensions of your multi-dimensional self!........ A short reading accompanies this portrait....................THE YIN/YANG ESSENCE:.......
We are, or should be, by nature, perfectly balanced beings, but, we live on a planet that has duality. This does not always mean 'good or bad' is about polarities, it is about our positive and negative magnetic forces working in perfect unison, perfect harmony. It is about integrating the masculine and the feminine. This is not about gender, it's about energies, so, male or female we can work to integrate and balance this. The Yin/Yang Essence reveals to you the areas which need strengthening or even embracing. Sometimes we are not actually aware that we are rejecting a part of ourselves that then leads to imbalance. Working with this portrait can gently bring you back to the perfect balance. This portrait comes with a reading...............................I CAN ALSO DO INDIVIDUAL 'HEALING PORTRAITS', THESE ARE WONDERFUL HEALING TOOLS FOR THOSE WHO WISH TO WORK ON SELF-HEALING. This portrait is done in coloured soft pastels...........................It is my deepest wish that through the efficient use of these spiritual tools you will gain in knowledge and understanding, which will enable you to progress in wisdom and in truth. Please contact me if you would like me to draw one of these portraits for you, or if you have any questions. Oceans of Love, ShimaraAt the moment I am working on a book, a self help book for those on a spiritual path. It takes the form of 44 of my paintings and poems as cards, with a workbook and a journal.....this I hope will encourage the user to work with inspirational writing whilst recording their meditations, dreams and use of the book. I have already produced a set of one word affirmation cards, inspired by the guidance I have received through my meditations and journeys to the many worlds within worlds that exist multi-dimensionally. These little star-seeds of wisdom are designed for daily use and I will choose one....every day if time put on my page. Think of a question or problem you have and check out the word.....use your intuition to apply it to your question. Or, you can write to me and I will choose a card for you! Thank you for looking at my page, I hope you like what you have seen. May your hearts always be filled with the Love, Light and Blessings of the Universe. Shimara. ****************************************My card of the day is * POWER*
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