Maia is a grindcore band from depok city ,performed in 2007 with a member:ifan on vocals(ex-ecocide,paper gangster&a thousand punch),jeffrey on guitars(still played for paper gangster,ex-thinking straight,horror,ex-drummer of troops of brutallity&dirty edge),donal(still played for thinking straight,ex-guitarist of fist of fury,for the dying& a thousand punch)and roses on drums(still played for suffer edge&ex-disagree).
Terrorizer,Napalm death,Brujeria,Repulsion,Brutal Truth& Misery index is our influeced for our musics.
Our musics is a mix of an old skool grind riff n full of blast beat on drums.
we just try to throw out our bored with all the sickness in life.
And we really sick to heared a lot of fuckin trendy music around here,so we decided to do this this band & we ready to kill ur fuckin ears.
MAIA just finished our first e.p album with the tittle"TOTAL TERROR"..
released in marocco by "SELFISH APPETITE RECORDS"
so enjoyed our songs...cheerss beers every one
GRIND ON!!!!!!
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Rp. 60.000+Cd
$ . 10.00+Cd
Eu. 12.00+Cd